ok, I'll admit it, this may be a long shot and most of you probably don't who this is, or what this has to do with STAR. Most of you probably think this is a pretty weird question, and I'm pretty weird for asking it...but I don't care!
Robert A Heinlein is considered by many as the greatest Sci-fi author of the 20th century (Stranger in a Strange Land, ring a bell?), and just happens to be my favorite author of this type of book/writing. And....he was born in Butler, Mo. about 150 miles straight north of Springdale. Before he died a few years ago, he and his wife helped the Butler public library to expand, and they have set up a museum honoring him in the new wing his gift helped build.
So I'm thinking that since I am going to be so (relatively) close to Butler, I'd really like to take a morning and run up to the museum and pay homage to a man whose writings have given me so many hours/days of enjoyment and pleasure.
Anyone want to join me?
Pat M