Thread Archive > STAR 2015

Any Robert A Heinlein fans?

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Lets call it the RAH Ride! -JEP-

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It sounds like there is some interest in this and there could be more than what we're seeing here. You of you guys needs to pick a day (or days) and volunteer to do this ride. There will be sheets somewhere in the lobby area where you can describe your ride, specify the start time, where to meet, etc. Interested parties can sign up to express their desire to go along.

Iguana Joe:
Sounds good to me, and not just the eating part. I have enjoyed everything RAH wrote in the genre. For the uninitiated, the movie Starship Troopers ( As well as numerous Rock and roll songs) have been based on his writings, and if you look at my tag line under my name here, you will see a quote from Lazarus Long in one of the future histories...

I would love to get into this ride as well...

GROK me??

Iggy Joe

Interesting, what is the length of the ride?

Will some want to do a different pace if the roads are good?

I was quite honestly just figuring on going myself and am very surprised by the response I've received.  My thought was I would just jump on a the highway to get up there, and then figure out a return route based on time and weather.  Doesn't look to be any interesting roads anywhere north of Joplin, so I was thinking this would be more of a destination ride, rather than any ride in search of good roads. Possibly just use the highway to get there, and back as far as Joplin, then loop around either west or east to get some good roads in on the way back to Springdale.


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