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Author Topic: 2013 Kymco Xciting 500Ri ABS - sold  (Read 18453 times)

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Offline Paulie

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2013 Kymco Xciting 500Ri ABS - sold
« on: July 14, 2015, 07:40:00 am »

• in good shape, reliable and fun to ride
• no major repairs or alterations; just minor replacements such as new tires, oil filters, oil changes, light bulb replacements, etc.
• ~19900 miles, capable of long distance
• Clean, clear title
• Asking $3200 $3000 $2500 now $2300 - MSRP is $6899

The SIL had it, but he moved overseas to attend university. It's here in 33183 waiting for ya!   8)

some asstd yadda yadda about this model...

« Last Edit: October 24, 2015, 10:54:53 pm by Paulie »

Offline Paulie

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Re: 2013 Kymco Xciting 500Ri ABS
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2015, 02:04:13 pm »
more pix...

Offline HawkGTRider

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Re: 2013 Kymco Xciting 500Ri ABS
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2015, 10:09:08 pm »
I talked one of the local dealerships into letting me take a Piaggio BV500 scooter out for a test ride a few years ago.  Several hours and a couple of hundred miles later I brought it back with a silly grin on my face. About a year later, the same folks let me take a Piaggio MP3 (250cc version) to our statewide MSF update and encouraged me to let the other instructors take it for a spin (we hadn't yet become rider-coaches at that point). Other than riding a scooter around during an occasional MSF course, that's the extent of my scooter riding, but I'd have to say I enjoyed it.
We had a smaller Kymco scooter in our program for a while to accommodate folks that wanted to take the basic class but wanted to ride a scooter. I don't recall ever having had any issues with it. I'd say this is a good example of a very capable scooter at a pretty darned decent price.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2015, 06:28:53 am by HawkGTRider »
Geoffrey Greene
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Re: 2013 Kymco Xciting 500Ri ABS
« Reply #3 on: August 19, 2015, 11:08:16 pm »
My past best riding buddy has now moved back to the continent from Hawaii, and bought a home in Lenoir, NC. Larry was an MSTA member, who let his membership lapse when he became the head of substance abuse councelling  for the prison systems in Hawaii. While there, Larry discovered that he has the early stages of Parkinson's disease, which has most affected his left (clutch) hand. He came to my home today, and purchased my Piaggio BV500 at a very reasonable price, and rode it back to his daughter's home in Harrisonburg, Va., where they are staying until his new home closes. I talked to him this evening, and I could see his grin over the phone line! I will be riding my Aprilia Scarabeo 500 to Mail pouch next week, as I did last year, and I'm looking forward to the comfort and great capabilities of the bike. Last year (as with this year) I'll be rooming with Pat Mogavero, and riding with his great buddies on an Aprilia and a Ducati. Last year they said " damn, every time I looked back, that scooter was right there!!). Scooters in this category are comfortable, and very competitive with most motorcycles, depending upon the rider. Syd  :D

Offline HawkGTRider

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Re: 2013 Kymco Xciting 500Ri ABS
« Reply #4 on: August 20, 2015, 06:31:26 am »
My past best riding buddy has now moved back to the continent from Hawaii, and bought a home in Lenoir, NC. Larry was an MSTA member, who let his membership lapse when he became the head of substance abuse councelling  for the prison systems in Hawaii. While there, Larry discovered that he has the early stages of Parkinson's disease, which has most affected his left (clutch) hand. He came to my home today, and purchased my Piaggio BV500 at a very reasonable price, and rode it back to his daughter's home in Harrisonburg, Va., where they are staying until his new home closes. I talked to him this evening, and I could see his grin over the phone line! I will be riding my Aprilia Scarabeo 500 to Mail pouch next week, as I did last year, and I'm looking forward to the comfort and great capabilities of the bike. Last year (as with this year) I'll be rooming with Pat Mogavero, and riding with his great buddies on an Aprilia and a Ducati. Last year they said " damn, every time I looked back, that scooter was right there!!). Scooters in this category are comfortable, and very competitive with most motorcycles, depending upon the rider. Syd  :D
You had TWO 500cc scooters at the same time? Now you're just showing off. :-)
Geoffrey Greene
MSTA Ride For Kids Coordinator (retired), MSTA Secretary (retired), TN-STAR (retired), Tri-STAR Coordinator (retired)
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Re: 2013 Kymco Xciting 500Ri ABS
« Reply #5 on: August 20, 2015, 07:58:07 am »
My past best riding buddy has now moved back to the continent from Hawaii, and bought a home in Lenoir, NC. Larry was an MSTA member, who let his membership lapse when he became the head of substance abuse councelling  for the prison systems in Hawaii. While there, Larry discovered that he has the early stages of Parkinson's disease, which has most affected his left (clutch) hand. He came to my home today, and purchased my Piaggio BV500 at a very reasonable price, and rode it back to his daughter's home in Harrisonburg, Va., where they are staying until his new home closes. I talked to him this evening, and I could see his grin over the phone line! I will be riding my Aprilia Scarabeo 500 to Mail pouch next week, as I did last year, and I'm looking forward to the comfort and great capabilities of the bike. Last year (as with this year) I'll be rooming with Pat Mogavero, and riding with his great buddies on an Aprilia and a Ducati. Last year they said " damn, every time I looked back, that scooter was right there!!). Scooters in this category are comfortable, and very competitive with most motorcycles, depending upon the rider. Syd  :D
You had TWO 500cc scooters at the same time? Now you're just showing off. :-)

Scooter trash!....not sure I want to be seen with him anymore, after all I DO have a reputation to uphold......

What's that?  About my reputation?

Oh yeah........

Never mind, nothing to see here

Hey Syd.......see you next week!    :)
not all that wander are lost


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