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Forum > Indiana
Hoosier Squadron MSTA
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Our Florida State Director(s) send out both an email notice and a notice on our State website (which is linked to the MSTA home page) for our lunch rides. We also have a FB page and post to the calendar on this site. I think that covers everything. -JEP-
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No one said you have to... No new rules. Just what others do and suggestions.
--- Quote from: stevegrab on August 13, 2015, 06:25:19 pm ---Pat its hard to keep steering folks here who are intent on using only social media. Or just don't want to use anything new. And I'm more interested in keeping the current members active at this time.
I post my local rides on our Yahoo group. Some of the Columbus guys on are on that list and occassionally show up (unexpectedly) for a ride we do. I personally am not that keen on posting up plans for a ride to a broad audience made up of many unknown people (FB or the general parts of this forum) who may or may not be MSTA members. So if I were to post it here, it would be in a member's only area. But posting it in multiple places while plans are fluid and may only be a few days out is difficult (work and all that).
Everybody in every area is going to do what works best for them and their members. For some like Pat that will be reaching out to everybody through many different sources. For others it will be more limited.
My basic point is if you're going to make more demands or put requirements on the volunteers to "post it everywhere, get on social media, etc" then you'll lose volunteers. We all don't want to do those things or have the extra time.
--- End quote ---
I must be out riding my Super Teneré'!
Patmo: saying "steer folks here" I mean that we should always remind people that this is the site that they should check out for the most comprehensive information on the club as a national entity, and not just for all the local information. If all of the local information was also posted here, then it would be possible for people from all different parts of the country to know what is happening elsewhere.....IF they wanted to know for some reason. I'm not saying that it is even possible for one person to post on all the many different internet outlets that exist.....for example I have never even heard of the Yahoo site, nor do I do LinkedIn, or Twitter, or any other of the various sites. But that doesn't mean that someone else couldn't or shouldn't use those sites. You use what works for you and what you feel comfortable using first and foremost. But IN ADDITION, I think it would be a good idea tpost up something here so that people OUTSIDE YOUR AREA or list have access to the information also.
Maybe the difference is planned/set rides vs. last minute stuff. We used to do more monthly lunch rides, scheduled well in advance. Lately we do less and we've always had last minute ride plans. Last week I posted something on our list on Tuesday about a weekend ride, to see if anybody is interested. Responses trickled in, we tossed around ideas, and eventually set a plan for where/when to meet. I don't have to time to take all that and cross post it here, or anywhere else. And by the time the details are finalized it may be less than 24 hours to the ride.
I hear what all you guys are saying and these are just suggestions. The more its discussed and people say "you should do it" the more I'm feeling like somebody is saying its required. Then I feel like I have to explain why I'm not going to do that. That's on me, its just how I am.
In a perfect world we'd have one primary way to communicate, and not use 4-5 things or more. That to me is part of the problem, but it isn't going to change. Kudos to those who will keep up with the forum, FB pages, private groups and such (reading or posting info).
Understandable that when it comes to last minute, local rides or meet ups that one would NOT feel the need, nor have the time to post up on a national forum.
NO ONE should feel that they have to do any posting as a requirement to hold any position in the club. Everyone should do their jobs as they want to, without having to deal with any criticism or pressure to do more than they feel necessary, or comfortable doing.
Just keep having FUN as the goal and don't sweat the rest......:)
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