Regional Forums > Texas

any day trips in Dallas area planned?


Hi everyone,

I'm just about recovered from ankle reconstruction a couple months ago, am dying to get back in the saddle.  Any day trips/ride to eat excursions in the near future?


You may find more activity about rides like this on the Texas MSTA Yahoo group forum.  To join that group, go here

and click the "join" button.  Then you'll be added to the distribution.  There is also a Texas MSTA website - -  but that forum sees very little activity which is really a shame.  The Yahoo forum has been where we tend to go when we have something share with other Texas members though and it works really well.

I have not seen any conversations about rides for this weekend yet but join the Yahoo group and start a conversation and see who else might be interested in joining you for a ride.  If we weren't racing this weekend, I'm sure we'd be up for a ride for sure!!

If you run into any trouble, let me know!

Thank you, I've been on the yahoo list for a while, haven't seen anything new since late July.

Yeah, with these triple digit temps we've been having, it's been hard to get folks out.  When the temps drop a bit you'll see the activity pick up. 

Hope to see you at the Hill Country Rally in October.  There will be a group from the DFW area that will ride down so be sure to watch the board for that information.

Glad to see your post. As the area director, I have to admit the high temps have really kept me away from weekend rides. I know the "fair weather rider" excuse doesn't sit well in this group but its a fact. I hope to post some rides here in the next couple of weeks as we get ready for the Hill Country Rally. Make sure to mark that down for 10/30 as we will try to get a group from DFW going down on Friday (if not earlier). Thanks, Joe


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