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Forum > Ozarks BS Rally

Ozarks BS Rally Unique T-Shirt Order Deadline Tomorrow!


Fellow MSTA'ers,
Just 17 days until the Ozarks BS Rally, September 11-13, but only 1 day, until Noon, Tuesday, Aug. 25, (Tomorrow) to get your order in for the very Unique BS Rally T-Shirts, so we'll have time for printing.  (They let us extend the order time one day) We always order a very few extra, but we always sell out fast, so let us know as soon as possible if you would like one.

Check them out at: http://www.ozarksbsrally.com/bstshirt2015.htm . They are a beautiful Sapphire color, which is like turquoise, but with a little more blue. The web does not do the color justice at all, as they are a much deeper, brighter color than it shows on the net.

If you would like one, just give us a call at 417-926-3075, or send us an email at: magna@centurytel.net  , and let us know how many, the size, and short or long sleeve, and we'll hold it for you to pick up at the Rally.
You can check the full BS Rally 2015 info at:
See you all there, we guarantee a great time!
Ride Safe,


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