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Author Topic: October 17 trip to Big Bend NP  (Read 17456 times)

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October 17 trip to Big Bend NP
« on: August 25, 2015, 06:25:47 pm »
We will be traveling from St Louis to BBNP leaving October 17 and would welcome any local knowledge either about BBNP or roads, sights and, of course, food along the way...We will be riding direct to BBNP and then meandering home via the park, the Hill Country and ARrrrrrr...Staying at the Gage Hotel just outside the park...



Offline fz1grl

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Re: October 17 trip to Big Bend NP
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2015, 10:46:23 pm »
Roger Hazelwood has a place due south of Terlingua on the south side of the highway.  He used to be an MSTA member but I think he's given it up for golf.  Eldon Rix would have his contact information.

« Last Edit: August 26, 2015, 01:45:23 pm by fz1grl »
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Re: October 17 trip to Big Bend NP
« Reply #2 on: August 26, 2015, 02:37:47 am »
We will be traveling from St Louis to BBNP leaving October 17 and would welcome any local knowledge either about BBNP or roads, sights and, of course, food along the way...We will be riding direct to BBNP and then meandering home via the park, the Hill Country and ARrrrrrr...Staying at the Gage Hotel just outside the park...


....be careful what you ask for...
(my wife is in the next room groaning "Oh No, did someone ask about Big Bend?" "Yes they did" I happily reply. "Oh you'll be up half the night, I'm going to bed."she says. "OK, G'night dear" I mumble as the typing and linking begins.)

I go to BBNP about 3-4 times a year. Not saying I'm an expert, but I know some stuff. October through November is my favorite season in the park, good time choice. The park itself is interesting, but the in park speed limits are 45 mph max. and it is enforced. So the in park rides will be mostly scenic slow riding if you are bringing an ST type bike. You should go up into the Basin at least for a few minutes just to see it or stop and get lunch at the Lodge restaurant. Then ride out and back Ross Maxwell Scenic road down to Santa Elena Canyon. If you are pressed for time there is no need to go to the south east side of the park (IMO)..unless you have a passport and want to cross over into Mexico for lunch. You also need to ride Hwy 170 West of the park, but use caution as it catches a few off guard when you top a hill you can't see over and the road likes to make a sharp curve either left or right. I've never stayed at the Gage Hotel, just because I like Alpine better than Marathon. There is no gas between Marathon and the park and there is no gas between Alpine and Study Butte.  I also recommend you take a day to go north from Alpine and do the Davis Mountains scenic loop drive. Email or pm me for more info or questions.

Doesn't rain much out there, but when it does...

If you are of the BMW world than you've no doubt heard of Voni Glaves and Beemer Chef & Spirit both of whom are in the Big Bend area.

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Re: October 17 trip to Big Bend NP
« Reply #3 on: August 26, 2015, 07:41:54 am »
Interesting place.  Went out with the dual sport group (Eldon et al) last Feb. Great reprise from winter.  It'll still be hot when you're there. Take water. 

Going to Boquillas for lunch...
« Last Edit: August 26, 2015, 08:26:43 am by TN2Wheeler »
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Re: October 17 trip to Big Bend NP
« Reply #4 on: August 28, 2015, 10:34:31 pm »
Thanks to everyone who responded...I believe we have the kernels of a good trip as a result of your help...


Offline Paco Bulto

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Re: October 17 trip to Big Bend NP
« Reply #5 on: August 29, 2015, 11:37:00 am »
Hi Bob,

We went to Lajitas on The Rio Grande several times when they used to have Ride the Rio there. Still a nice place to stay, but a bit more pricey than when we had RTR there. Our favorite way to start the day was a ride down the 170 river road to Presidio, have a wonderful Mexican breakfast, then head north to the observatory and make a big loop east and then back south to Study Butte and back to Lajitas on 170. Of course at the end of the day, it was always a treat to stop at the Terlingua General store, walk into the cooler and get a cool frosty one and then sit on the benches out in front and visit with a variety of interesting folks.

Fred Z.


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