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Forum > MSTA Sanctioned Event Reports
Fall Colors 2015
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Hello everyone, We are getting close, and I want to encourage everyone to book your room asap. As of this morning our block of 35 rooms for Thursday is sold out. This has never happened before! There are 11 rooms left for Friday, and 6 left for Saturday. I am contacting the other hotels behind the QI to attempt to block 10 more rooms for all three nights, and I'll let you know how that turns out. Please bring and wear your MSTA name tag. The other group will also have name tags, and conversation will be much easier that way. A few have let me know that they will join us at Del Sol for dinner Thursday night, but far fewer than the 35 I made reservations for. The same thing happened last year, and we ended up with extra people that were forced to sit elsewhere. Letting me know if you are coming will alleviate some of the problem, but still won't guarantee a seat for you, because seating will be on a first come - first served basis. The best way to assure that you'll be with the main group is to let me know, and be there early. Reservations are at 6:30. Thanks, and I'm looking forward to seeing you there! Syd :D
Looking forward to my first FCR with my brother Steve. Glad I reserved us a room on Saturday, as had I waited till Monday, I'd have clearly been out of luck. Looking forward to meeting you Syd, and enjoying once again) the fine roads of the area.
I'm a bit confused, your block of rooms for MSTA members is full on Thursday, but some openings on Fri/Sat? So some people are going to be there only Thursday, but not Fri/Sat? Or did you have 35 rooms Thursday, and more Fri/Sat ??
PS Yes glad my brother booked a room.
You are correct Steve that I made a block of 35 rooms for Thursday, and 45 rooms each for Friday and Saturday. It seems there is a larger number coming in early for Thursday, as well as an inproportionate number that are skipping Fri., and coming in Sat. This has never been a problem before, but due to the equally large block of rooms for the FJR group, there is absolutely no flexibility for late bookings. I spoke with group sales manager, Matt, at the Hampton Inn directly behind the QI this afternoon. He allowed us to hold 5 rooms until Sept. 18th for the MSTA. Two of those are two Queens, and three single kings. It's a very nice hotel but these rooms run $130 per night, reduced from $145. The rooms are under "sporttouring" if you wish to grab one. I also have calls in for the Fairfield and Holiday Inn, and will announce what I come up with. All will be higher than the QI. Sorry for any inconvenience, but I'm doing all I can. :P Thanks, Syd :)
Just booked a room with a king for Friday and Saturday. Looking towards my first FCR. Larry aka Wardie
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