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Forum > MSTA Sanctioned Event Reports

Fall Colors 2015

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--- Quote from: touringman on September 01, 2015, 11:04:53 pm ---Try to tell that to my wife Tosh! :(

--- End quote ---

Bring her to Lewisburg and we'll all sing your praises to her :)

Hopefully they straightened out the other staff members giving false info, not everybody will see the info here or be able to call at some specific time. Amazed that with hotel systems being computerized that somehow a person at the desk can still get things wrong.

My brother had no problems and said he talked to a friendly lady named Pam when he called.

Here's to hoping it is a little warmer this year, I think it was below 40 both Saturday and Sunday mornings (recall frost on my top case, and a chilly first hour drone down I-64 west at below the speed limit to avoid freezing).

Let us know if you did more about the distillery tour, if we need to sign up in advance or will that be done at registration.


--- Quote from: stevegrab on September 02, 2015, 01:42:48 pm ---
--- Quote from: touringman on September 01, 2015, 11:04:53 pm ---Try to tell that to my wife Tosh! :(

--- End quote ---

Here's to hoping it is a little warmer this year, I think it was below 40 both Saturday and Sunday mornings (recall frost on my top case, and a chilly first hour drone down I-64 west at below the speed limit to avoid freezing).

Let us know if you did more about the distillery tour, if we need to sign up in advance or will that be done at registration.

--- End quote ---

40 - I can handle that for a bit. Give me a chance to try out my new warm gloves and liners. No electric, hope it ain't much colder than that! 

When our West MI squad left on that frosty morning last year a pickup truck passed us once we got off west I-64 and started north on I-77. We followed him to Marietta at 90-95 MPH. I-77 is a fun road when riding fast. It was the Autobahn in WV! I have the urge to go faster when it is cold to get there sooner and return to warmth.


--- Quote from: banjobart on September 04, 2015, 10:27:03 pm ---When our West MI squad left on that frosty morning last year a pickup truck passed us once we got off west I-64 and started north on I-77. We followed him to Marietta at 90-95 MPH. I-77 is a fun road when riding fast. It was the Autobahn in WV! I have the urge to go faster when it is cold to get there sooner and return to warmth.

--- End quote ---
We had sleet last year just north of Lewisburg on Saturday!  That was fun!  Very glad I had Gerbing liner and gloves!!!  Not sure how I survived before I bought that stuff!!!


--- Quote from: qman8 on September 08, 2015, 10:40:37 am ---
--- Quote from: banjobart on September 04, 2015, 10:27:03 pm ---When our West MI squad left on that frosty morning last year a pickup truck passed us once we got off west I-64 and started north on I-77. We followed him to Marietta at 90-95 MPH. I-77 is a fun road when riding fast. It was the Autobahn in WV! I have the urge to go faster when it is cold to get there sooner and return to warmth.

--- End quote ---
We had sleet last year just north of Lewisburg on Saturday!  That was fun!  Very glad I had Gerbing liner and gloves!!!  Not sure how I survived before I bought that stuff!!!

--- End quote ---

You can only get so cold. I had to ride once in October in Salt Lake City (luckily my bike was at my girlfriends house, came out after dinner at here place to find car with a flat and no spare) so rode home about 15 miles or so on I-80. When I got home, I took a hot shower, and wrapped myself in a blanket sitting under the heater vent. Took about an hour to get my temperature back up. And I only had a leather jacket, helmet, gloves and jeans (all my other gear was at my house). I'm hoping for the best, planning for the worst and that way I'll be prepared for most anything. And if it snows, oh well guess I'll have to take another day off work. :)


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