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Author Topic: If You Bailed, You Failed - Fall Colors 2015  (Read 40538 times)

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Offline stevegrab

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Re: If You Bailed, You Failed - Fall Colors 2015
« Reply #15 on: October 14, 2015, 06:52:18 pm »
Sounds like you had a good time Coach. I came down with my brother Steve on Thursday, had a great 370 miles of riding in glorious weather. Friday we went out for the day, and got rained on the last 40 miles or so back to the hotel. When we saw what Saturday and Sunday were looking like, we decided to head home to Akron and only rode in the rain for the first hour or so of the day. I had a blast at my first FCR, and with my trip from Michigan to OH and back to MI, I logged nearly 1500 miles for the weekend trip.

I plan to go again, love the roads down there.
You had Monday off too and did a 350 or so mile ride from Akron to Michigan taking in some decent twisties before hitting the flat lands of western Ohio.
Doug I've tried to adopt the attitude that I won't bail on an event or day ride unless it is really bad. Had we ridden down on Friday we probably would have stayed to ride one more day. This sunk in after hearing about how some had a good ride the year at Snowshoe when it snowed by heading south not that far away.
I just looked at WV10, not sure if I've been on it but will seek it out some day. Ok see Doug Pippin's follow up, nope I'm usually heading south on 16 through Mullens, he's right about the area being remote.
Weather is always a risk, if you cannot cope with a little rain and still have some run riding (instead of sitting at home or work) then this hobby isn't for you. Or you need to live somewhere like SoCal where it never rains or gets colder than 50.
Steve Grabowski
2014 Interceptor, 98 VFR, 99 Triumph Sprint ST, 06 Ninja 650


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