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Forum > MSTA Sanctioned Event Reports
Fall Colors 2016
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Hello everyone, I just talked to Jo McMahan this morning, and set up Fall Colors at the Quality Inn, Lewisburg for 2016. We will have the same meeting room, bike wash, etc. that we had last year. The room cost has gone up this year to $79.99, a $5 increase from last year. They've held on to the old $74.99 rate for the past several years, so I guess we're due for a small increase. They are ready to take reservations as of today at 304-645-7722, and I'd suggest you call prior to 3pm to make your reservation with Jo McMahan. I'm confident she'll handle your reservation without a screw up! THE DATES: This years Fall Colors official event will be from Friday, Sept. 30th to Sunday, Oct. 2nd. Of course I'll be arriving on Wed., and I expect quite a few early birds on Thursday the 29th.
Please give me some feedback on last years early bird dinner at Del Sol's. I have been very happy with them in previous years, but service last year wasn't up to par, especially at our table. Food and Friends is also an excellent restaurant, and they are right across the street from Del Sol. If the majority would like to try a new venue, we'll do that.
The FJR group enjoyed themselves last year, and they are coming back. They will be there the weekend before we are there, so there won't be an overlap this time. It really doesn't matter to me, as I thought everything went well last year. Please ask questions and express opinions, and I'll be happy to help when I can. Syd ;D
Looking forward to it. I think I can handle the $5 increase (split 2 ways) for a couple nights. That's still a great rate and they're good hosts.
U can count Nate and I in for this. Hopefully no rain this year. Roads are great! People are interesting and of course the host is the best! I'll have the CB 500 X Syd if U want to take her for a spin we can arrange that. Larry
We are all set up registration for Fall Colors Ride, thanks to Doug Pippin and Harry Hemstreet. Fall Colors will be from September the 30th through October the 2nd at the Quality Inn in beautiful Lewisburg, WV.We have plenty of rooms blocked for MSTA'ers, and we will be the only motorcycle group in town. There will probably be a large group of Early Birds showing up on Thursday the 29th again this year. This years Thursday night dinner will take place across the street from the Del Sol, which was last years site. The new restaurant is Food and Friends. It's a little upscale from the Del Sol, but there are good menu choices for every appetite and budget. The menu may also be accessed on the web site, and they do have a full compliment of alcoholic and other beverages. They will seat us together in a separate area, where it'll be a little easier to talk.
We will have the bike wash, rags, conference room, etc. that we've enjoyed previously. A refrigerator in your room will cost an extra $10, so please let them know you want one when you make your reservation. You may print a registration form, or register online on Doug's website, and the hotel information is there also. I suggest you call between 8am and 3pm to make your reservations with Jo McMahan, and she is sure to get your information straight. You're welcome to give me a call if there's something you aren't sure of. New members who would like to ride with an experienced rider should mention this to me before the rally, and conversely I would like to know among the rally vets who might have an extra place in their group for a newbie. Riding preferences and experience are important factors to know about. Such questions as how far, how fast, pottie breaks, starting the day with a full tank of gas, are very important. Please be proactive, and use or purchase a Garmin GPS capable of uploading routes, and preferably waterproof.
I will also bring my corn hole game back. I tried in vain last year to spark some interest, but was shocked that most had never even heard of the game. All of us younger (choke) college game attendees have been having a good time with it for years! Google it, you'll like it! It's a great way to pass time after dinner, or when the weather isn't so good. I look forward to seeing YOU at Fall Colors! Syd :D
I have corn holing at my annual MSTA picnic, it is a big hit! I suppose during a riding event it may be less popular because most folks want BEER when they corn hole. Alcohol and mountain road riding do not mix.
(Just kidding around here).
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