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Gallery - Share your photos


This forum also features a gallery that is more user friendly than our prior attempts. Here's how to share your photos:

Click on the "Gallery" tab at the top of the page

Click on the "My Gallery" Tab

Click on the "Add Category" link near the bottom of the page.

Enter the category title, a short description, then click the "Add Category" button

Now go to the gallery you just created, it's under the "My Gallery" link

Click on the "Add a Picture" or the "Bulk Add Pictures" link. The "Bulk Add Pictures" link allows you to select up to 5 photos at a time for upload.

Enter a title and short description for the photo you are adding, select the photo from your computer by clicking the "Browse" button.

Click the "Add Picture" button

That's it, you can add as many photos as you like as well as create as many categories as you need.

Let's see some photos!

PS: Please contact Jim Park to archive your full resolution photos in the MSTA Photo Archive. These photos depict the history of the MSTA over the years and provide photos for use in club publications such as STAReview. The MSTA Photo Archive is maintained on a SmugMug account.

Hmm... I don't see a Gallery on the top of my page???

This is what I have at the top of my page:

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You probably are doing something wrong ;)  But seriously I don't see a Gallery link on my forum page either. I notice this post from Jay is almost a year old, so it could be the Gallery link was removed since then.

The gallery that this post was about is no longer valid. When we decided to go with SmugMug, this gallery was removed. If you would like a gallery on the MSTA smugmug site, contact Jim Park and he'll hook you up.


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