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Forum > STAR 2016

Map of Vermont


Has anyone found a good map of the Vermont area? I see that Butler has https://www.butlermaps.com/motorcycle-road-maps/new-england-g1-map/

I like paper maps as well as the GPS... perhaps I need to find someone in AAA to get me some maps. In the past I have always found them to be the best.


I have the Butler map and it's good as always but I would order it soon. Also Amazon is a good source for maps as bookstores seem to be dropping the good maps from their shelves. -JEP-

Sent by using these little bitty keys on my iPhone using Tapatalk


Thanks for the reminder, need to get some AAA maps of that area before STAR. I usually do grab extras and offer to those I ride with who may want/need them. Usually we get a state map in our packets too, usually from that states DOT, but I agree AAA maps just seem better (or maybe its their consistency I like).


--- Quote from: Brick on May 19, 2016, 11:09:07 am ---Has anyone found a good map of the Vermont area? I see that Butler has https://www.butlermaps.com/motorcycle-road-maps/new-england-g1-map/

I like paper maps as well as the GPS... perhaps I need to find someone in AAA to get me some maps. In the past I have always found them to be the best.


--- End quote ---

I have the Butler New England map sitting here on my desk...I've been a good enough customer that they love to send me a notice when something is about to be released. They seem to know I'll spring for it.
I'm using the Butler map to help plan my post STAR riding in the New England area....looks like fun!

Hotel has some state maps there.



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