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Forum > MSTA Sanctioned Event Reports

STAR 2016 Vermont

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--- Quote from: HawkGTRider on July 10, 2016, 10:57:42 pm ---
--- Quote from: donmoe on July 10, 2016, 08:40:00 pm ---
--- Quote from: RichGrab on July 10, 2016, 10:10:31 am ---VFR loaded and ready to return to OH.
--- End quote ---

What brand/model trailer is in that photo?

  ---- Don

--- End quote ---
Richard can say for sure, but it looks like a Kendon trailer that folds and can stand up almost flush against a wall.

--- End quote ---
It is in fact a Kendon, single rail folding trailer. They are fantastic and I borrowed it from a friend. I can stand it up in my garage and still get the car in the same spot (a bit closer to the door, but room to get around). They are great for trailering to an event, once there you can fold up the trailer, and park it in the spot and put your car in front (don't need a trailer lot). Or fold it up and lock it to a light pole or other fixed object.

The empty trailer (even 2 rail) is very light and easy to move around, stand up, etc.

This is a much older model with the old style flat metal ramp and slots on trailer, newer ones (see a 2003 that has them) use 2 metal tubes to form the slot/channel for the wheel on ramp and trailer, just seems more prone to wheel slippage not sure why they'd do that (I assume to be stronger as I've seen the ramps can get bent over time).

I pulled this and a similar 2 rail trailer (with 2 VFRs or bigger) with my Subaru Outback 4 cylinder engine. Empty trailer pulled like nothing, loaded it is a bit of a load and reduced milage.

No I am not a Kendon salesman, but have loved them when I've used them (many times over the past 5+ years).

Thanks for the sincere recommendation, Steve!  That trailer seems really nice, as well it should be for the price quoted on the Kendon website for the single rail model.

   --- Don


--- Quote from: donmoe on July 11, 2016, 11:34:05 am ---Thanks for the sincere recommendation, Steve!  That trailer seems really nice, as well it should be for the price quoted on the Kendon website for the single rail model.

   --- Don

--- End quote ---
My friend is great at finding bargains online, I think he paid about $1500 for the single rail trailer. Just saw one now a 2003 model for about $1400.

I recently got a little lucky with a trailer. It's not a Kendon and it's certainly not new. However, it's very functional and I like it. It's a single rail trailer that when you disconnect it from the towing vehichle and uncrank a strap, the track drops down to ground level. Once your bike is secured in the trailer track and tied down, all from the safety of being on the ground, there is a crank that you turn to raise the track. Once it's back up, you insert a couple of pins to secure it in the up position, reconnect the trailer to the tow vehicle, and away you go. The trailer is a mid-80s model, but other than the paint being a bit faded and the strap that you crank being a bit worn, it's in pretty good condition. I've already been offered more than the $750 I paid.
My very good friend Roger White has bailed me out many times with his fine 3 rail trailer, but my new-to-me trailer must weigh only about 1/2 of what his does. I towed a bike to TriSTAR since I had so much to carry, and while it was not without any impact on the vehicle's fuel economy, I was surprised at how little effect it really had.
The brand name of my trailer is Easy Hauler and was manufactured in Dallas, TX. I can't find any references to the company now, so it must have gone belly up.

Yep I tried finding info on your trailer on line when I saw it at Tri-STAR, looked cool and easy to load.

Sorry I missed seeing you load and get it connected. I'm guessing from the description you tie it down before raising the track, which means the tie down points must be part of or connected to that track so they stay tight.


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