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Forum > Wanted
Bags & liners for BMW F800 GT
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Paco Bulto:
--- Quote from: RichGrab on July 25, 2016, 12:46:02 pm --- --- Quote from: Paco Bulto on July 25, 2016, 12:36:50 pm --- --- Quote from: RichGrab on July 13, 2016, 10:07:46 am ---Greetings one and all. I won the 2016 MSTA Raffle Bike at STAR in VT and am loving it. I've always lived on a shoestring budget and prices new for bags and liners are big $$$. So, if anyone knows of someone selling a set of bags or liners let me know. I read somewhere (gotta research again) that bags from some other models of BMW are interchangeable to the F800. If / when I find this information again, I'll post an update here. Bags from previous years of the same model likely to fit right on too. Thanks for any help. 8)
--- End quote ---
Rich, if you are still looking for BMW bag liners, this for sale ad for a pair of new ones just showed up on $180 for 2 that retail for $308.
Fred Z.
--- End quote --- Thanks Fred. I'm still looking but liners are the easy part. It's finding the bags (at less than $1000) I"m having fits over. Thanks for the tip, I'll go look. Then again, maybe not. I apparently have to be a member to view this. Maybe I'll sign up, but my bike isn't really an ADV type (IMHO).
--- End quote ---
It is free to sign up and the free classifieds are very useful for buying and selling anything from bikes, parts to just about anything. Last year I even sold my Ford van there and sold my 1998 Superhawk. Both sold very quickly.
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