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Author Topic: Money back on something recently purchased because of a price decrease!  (Read 19076 times)

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Offline Brick

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WTF!! This is too cool!

So I've been purchasing tires from http://www.jakewilson.com... it's pretty much the same company as https://www.rockymountainatvmc.com/. To today I get this email that they have added $35.98 to my Jake Wilson Cash account. This account is one that each time I make a purchase they put some $$ in it to be used on future orders. BUT this $35.98 is BECAUSE the price of the last two tires has gone down!! So they passed the price difference back to me! How f...ing cool is that! That is the way to get me to continue buying from them. They have always been the cheapest or very close to the cheapest already AND free shipping too! It's hard to beat!

 :) 8)
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I have been buying tires from Jake Wison and Rocky Mountain ATV and I have used the $ from JW in the past. BUT, RockyMountain is always cheaper by about 5 bucks so I have been buying from them last 5 or 6 times. They are the same store best as I can tell because my one password works on both.
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WTF!! This is too cool!

So I've been purchasing tires from http://www.jakewilson.com... it's pretty much the same company as https://www.rockymountainatvmc.com/. To today I get this email that they have added $35.98 to my Jake Wilson Cash account. This account is one that each time I make a purchase they put some $$ in it to be used on future orders. BUT this $35.98 is BECAUSE the price of the last two tires has gone down!! So they passed the price difference back to me! How f...ing cool is that! That is the way to get me to continue buying from them. They have always been the cheapest or very close to the cheapest already AND free shipping too! It's hard to beat!

 :) 8)
Very cool news. I'll have to check my account with Jake Wilson. I bought my last 2 (or 3 maybe) sets of tires from there. Like you said, cheapest (pretty much) price and free shipping. "For you, such a deal."  ;D
Rich Grabowski;Jackson, MI; MSTA #12038
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Offline stevegrab

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Those loyalty dollars or whatever they call that they give you when you buy is a nice program for both parties. For us its free money and we're probably going back to buy more stuff anway. And for them it keeps us coming back.

Many brick and mortar stores used to have these "if you can find a cheaper price we'll refund the difference" in the past, but it was all on the consumer to know about the cheaper price, take their info to the store and get the credit approved.
Steve Grabowski
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Offline bcd

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Thanks for the pointer, Brick. I hadn't heard of them before, but their prices are good. Will try them out.

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Offline HawkGTRider

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Dennis Kirk is another internet site that has among the best prices. I don't know if they do the reward dollars, but DK seems to have really good pricing on tires. Jake Wilson is in the same ballpark.

I try to buy parts from my local dealership. But when I went in with my most recent tire needs, they said they couldn't touch the pricing that was offered by Dennis Kirk, Motorcycle Superstore, or Jake Wilson.
Geoffrey Greene
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Offline Brick

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Dennis Kirk is another internet site that has among the best prices. I don't know if they do the reward dollars, but DK seems to have really good pricing on tires. Jake Wilson is in the same ballpark.

I try to buy parts from my local dealership. But when I went in with my most recent tire needs, they said they couldn't touch the pricing that was offered by Dennis Kirk, Motorcycle Superstore, or Jake Wilson.

You know I too try to support my local dealer. I've made pretty good friends with the parts people one been straight with them... If you can get close to the internet prices I will buy from you. I know they can't beat the internet prices and do need to make some money to stay in business.
On tires they just can't get close! Plus then I also pay NC taxes plus the NC, I think it's $2.00 tire disposal fee.
Then you add these reward $$ to the deal that really makes it entirely impossible for the local dealer to compete.

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Hey Brick, don't you have an event to go to - or run or something like that. Where do you find time to write on the Forum always? JK, enjoy BLL event, ride safe and stay hydrated. Supposed to be GD hot the next few days all over.
Rich Grabowski;Jackson, MI; MSTA #12038
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Dennis Kirk is another internet site that has among the best prices. I don't know if they do the reward dollars, but DK seems to have really good pricing on tires. Jake Wilson is in the same ballpark.

I try to buy parts from my local dealership. But when I went in with my most recent tire needs, they said they couldn't touch the pricing that was offered by Dennis Kirk, Motorcycle Superstore, or Jake Wilson.
When I first started riding I recall hearing Dennis Kirk had good prices, but that was on a "we'll beat anybody's price by a dollar" plan. Buyer does the leg work, provides evidence of cheaper price and they'll beat it. But their catalog/web prices were outrageously high, way above others standard price. I think its a bad business model, you're basically using highly inflated prices for normal sales, but will give a deal if people can find a better price. I'd rather just find the better price and buy from that company.  Not sure if that has changed, but I've pretty much avoided DK since then.

As for my local dealer, I've supported them some and try not to just use them as a place to try on gear. I've bought a helmet, and some other gear. But Brick nailed it on tires, they cannot even come close and I buy 1-2 sets a year. I also get them mounted at the dealer, if there was incentive (free or discounted mounting) to buy from them I'd consider it.
Steve Grabowski
2014 Interceptor, 98 VFR, 99 Triumph Sprint ST, 06 Ninja 650

Offline HawkGTRider

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I'm not a fan of the "we'll beat everyone else's prices by $1" business plan either, but I did some comparison shopping recently. Dennis Kirk was the cheapest of any web site I could find on a set of tires for my ST1100. It may be that the next time I look things will be different, but this time they were the cheapest.
Geoffrey Greene
MSTA Ride For Kids Coordinator (retired), MSTA Secretary (retired), TN-STAR (retired), Tri-STAR Coordinator (retired)
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