I'll admit, this could be a mistake and may well get thread locked or deleted. If that happens I'll here apologize in advance to one and all.
I just thought some of the photos were crying out to be captioned and thought maybe we could do it without things getting out of hand
and perhaps generate a little more forum activity? I'll start it off.

OK guys, what did we stop for
this time?...
again?...I swear you guys have got bladders the size of thimbles.

How come there's never a line at the ladies port-o-potty?

And just WHAT are you two staring at?

eh..ladies?..my eyes are up here.

I just tooted,..ahhhh... I feel much better now.

(this last one was previously captioned, I couldn't improve it any but I thought it was good enough to be repeated.
{sorry Norm,