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Forum > Sand Box

Test event

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Testing the calendar 8)

I'm happy that you didn't accidentally erase all my breakfast meetings....again.  ;)   

I have spent hours trying to find documentation on how all this stuff works. There essentially is none. It says stuff like: "to change the settings for the calendar go to Calendar>Settings". Trial and error is the only way to figure it out in many cases. Took me about 10 tries to get the member map so it was centered on Colorado instead of Outer Mongolia.

The dudes that write the code for this stuff are geniuses at code writing. Unfortunately code geniuses are usually bad at writing instructions.   :-\

Again, sorry about deleting you posts!

Bob, I for one want extended a huge Thank You for all the work you've put into this for us. I'm sure most of us have no idea! I know I don't. Ever once in a while I think that I should learn how to deal with running a forum... then I come to my senses and realize that if see a person like yourself has difficulty I would have a nightmare!
Your the best Bob!
Thank You!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Thanks Brick! I am quite happy to be able to give something back to this great club. And, I'm actually enjoying it!


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