Author Topic: Suzi Greenway Needs Assitance with Insurance Funds All Club Events  (Read 11077 times)

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Offline Bufalojump

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Hello MSTA,

Suzi Greenway a long time supporter and ambassador of motorcycling, has 2 annual events in Stockbridge. The All Clubs Ride (May 4th this year) and the All Clubs Day (September 21, 7th annual).

Suzi used to get funding from the town of Stockbridge to cover insurance, but this year the new administration is pulling the funding.

I have attached the letter from Suzi below.

Any help you can provide will be greatly appreciated.

Steve Meiners

Originally Posted by Suzi Greenway
Dear Friends,

The Stockbridge Downtown Development Authority (SDDA), a division of the village government, agreed to fund the 2014 motorcycle events to the amount I requested (see attached).

On Tuesday April 8, the new village president and clerk told me they would not insure the two events, as they have in the past 7 years. Remembering that these two events are completely funded by the SDDA, the new clerk keeps telling me that does not mean they are the sponsor. Arguable, but not winnable, with this group.

I can get insurance through the AMA. It will cost $250 for the insurance and sanction for the May 4 ride, and at least $600 for the September 21 All Clubs Day to be determined. I received quotes up to $1500, and am still investigating one more option. Nevertheless, I need insurance by April 24 to be able to host the May 4th All Clubs Ride coffee & donut meet & greet.

So I thought I would do a “Kickstarter” style fund raiser. I am sure that at least 850 people would send $1 for these events to keep on going. So I am asking you to help, and have you pass this along.

I do not wish retribution on this village government; instead I want support of the local businesses that are struggling during this economy and small town politics. They already pay a tax to the village that funds the SDDA to provide downtown development. To ask them to help with the insurance seems to be double taxation to me.

Instead, I ask you to ride to Stockbridge during the summer, stop and eat, get gas, get a drink, and show that motorcyclists care about Stockbridge.

I have begun an account, with full transparency, as to what fund are raised. Sorry, but you cannot donate direct, so I ask that you send to me directly to the address below. There will be complete bookkeeping. Should we exceed the needs of 2014, there will funds waiting for 2015 and beyond. To quit or leave this town, is not a victory. We must show what motorcyclists are all about – again!

Thank you so very much,

Suzi Greenway
4340 Cooper Road
Stockbridge, MI 49285

Home phone 517-851-7437


Offline Bufalojump

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Re: Suzi Greenway Needs Assitance with Insurance Funds All Club Events
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2014, 10:32:55 am »
Suzi has set up a website with a link to PayPal.