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Forum > GPS Talk
Caveat Emptor re Garmin
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--- Quote from: stevegrab on August 08, 2017, 12:27:22 pm ---I guess this makes life time maps well worth their purchase. I know my first GPS a Nuvi had them, and I had stuff installed on both a work computer and at home. My recent Zumo purchase also had LTM designation.
Not sure I'd every be comfortable using my smart phone for GPS on a bike.
--- End quote --- I purchased lifetime maps for several of my old StreetPilot units. A couple of years ago Garmin decided they would no longer support those units, so the lifetime map subscriptions I purchased became, well, non-existent. Even though I paid for the subscriptions, they went away because Garmin wants to sell new units (my opinion).
Did I say explicitly in my first post that Garmin telephone support totally sucks??? Well it does. It wasn't that long ago, maybe three or four years ago it was superb. I would recommend to anyone seeking help from Garmin to send an email. Less chance of some bozo just hip shooting you an answer and you have a record of the response.
--- Quote from: stevegrab on August 08, 2017, 12:27:22 pm ---I guess this makes life time maps well worth their purchase. I know my first GPS a Nuvi had them, and I had stuff installed on both a work computer and at home. My recent Zumo purchase also had LTM designation.
Not sure I'd every be comfortable using my smart phone for GPS on a bike.
--- End quote --- Many people purchase a used smartphone for less than $50. I have 3... The GPS/Phone doesn't need cellular service or a working phone number. You install your GPS application and download offload maps using wifi and never connect to a cell tower. I use OSMAND (android) but there are apps for iOS too.
When a company's revenue model is heavily dependent on selling a product (i.e. Garmin maps) that someone else is giving away it doesn't bode well for their future. Earlier I used Eastman Kodak, my former employer, as an example. It wasn't that they were unaware of digital photography. In fact, I visited a very state-of-the-art digital photography lab in Rochester in the late-90s. They had all the high-end digital photography stuff of that era. The techies saw the future. However, Kodak executives _decided_ that digital photography was not a threat to film based photography. Kodak's revenue was heavily dependent on selling consumable film and photographic paper. They pretty much gave away their cameras at cost simply to sell more film, paper and related services. Yeah, we all see where that went.
--- Quote from: OldButNotDead on August 08, 2017, 12:21:40 pm --- --- Quote from: Brick on August 07, 2017, 09:21:20 pm ---Hmmm... so say my old computer was stolen and I had to buy a new one. So that would mean I would have to pay all over again?!?!
Both Jims, I have run Base Camp with Win 7 and 10 plus NT with some issues for two Zumo's and two Nuvi's but they all had lifetime maps and were registered with MyGarmin. Sometimes I had to use Garmin Express, sometimes Garmin Loader, and Base Camp itself.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
--- End quote --- No, your unit and or map subscription is registered with Garmin.
--- End quote ---
And that's exactly why I'm unhappy. Both the GPS unit and the Mapset are registered with Garmin but they refuse to let me move the registered mapset to the new machine. The problem has been resolved through 3rd party software but Garmin was not helpful at all.
--- Quote from: HawkGTRider on August 08, 2017, 12:35:57 pm --- --- Quote from: stevegrab on August 08, 2017, 12:27:22 pm ---I guess this makes life time maps well worth their purchase. I know my first GPS a Nuvi had them, and I had stuff installed on both a work computer and at home. My recent Zumo purchase also had LTM designation.
Not sure I'd every be comfortable using my smart phone for GPS on a bike.
--- End quote --- I purchased lifetime maps for several of my old StreetPilot units. A couple of years ago Garmin decided they would no longer support those units, so the lifetime map subscriptions I purchased became, well, non-existent. Even though I paid for the subscriptions, they went away because Garmin wants to sell new units (my opinion).
--- End quote --- Yes I forgot to mention that, but was fully aware of that part of the "lifetime" maps.
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