Main Forums > Welcome Mat

Hello from Chillicothe, OH

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doug mcpeek:
It was good meeting you Saturday, Pat.  Looks like you got your money's worth out of that tire.  Been there, done that.I hope to see you again soon.

Reminds me of a ride in TN with friends of the Louisiana chapter...  I made the mistake of trying to keep up with Tony....  ;0).  Glad you made it home safe.

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PF Flyers:

--- Quote from: sirepair on October 09, 2017, 10:19:48 pm ---Hi!  My name is Pat and I have an addiction!  :helpme:
New to the MSTA, but not new to riding.  Been riding for 45+ years.  Started out on a Yamaha Mini Enduro, now riding a 93 ST1100 and 2015 FJ09, both the fastest color, red (well, the ST is getting more silver as the candy red fades!)

I've been hanging out on for 11 years.  My wife and I host OH-STOC, an Ohio ST Owners Group get-together that brings 40 or so sport touring riders together to scoot around South Eastern Ohio in June.  The last 5 or 6 years, we have hosted from Lake Hope State Park. 

I'm looking to network and meet other like-minded riders and MSTA looks like a pretty good fit. Enjoyed meeting a few members at the AIM Expo recently in Columbus.

If you find yourself in the southern/south-eastern part of Ohio looking for someone to ride with, let me know.  I'll see if I can join up with you. 

Going to try to make it to the Triple Nickle lunch ride next week.  Hope to meet up in Etna.  See you there!

--- End quote ---
Welcome aboard

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