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Author Topic: Once again excited ...  (Read 16335 times)

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Once again excited ...
« on: April 18, 2014, 07:57:59 am »
Motorcycling has been important to me from a very young age, and was forever emblazoned on my being when dear Uncle Herb told me he sacrificed his desire for moto because of family and other presumed responsibilities or opinions, and recommended I not make the same mistake.  That was it ... I was gonna ride!  Well, Mom had different ideas, as the deal was "... as long as you live in this house, no motorcycles till you graduate from high school."  The day after graduation, I bought what was  motorcycle magazine called, "...the worst motorcycle ever made". (There's one for you trivia buffs).   I went everywhere on that scooter, and eventually sold it to a friend (and he still is).
It's been a great ride over these many years, including 49 years of dirt racing and trail riding, and the last 18 adding many thousands of miles on the most curved roads of Americana.   However, as relationships often go, I lost interest, mostly in the bike, although other circumstances made riding less important ... or less available; and somehow, three years elapsed with little more than a couple thousand on the odo.   
There was an evolution going on behind the scenes though … as along the way, I had an opportunity to ride other bikes, but one in particular stands out … a Ducati ST3.  Not the fastest or sleekest of the brand, but nevertheless, a visceral experience for me, especially coming off of a 600+ pound sewing machine (all appropriate respect to the brand, but it’s a tank).  I specifically remember thinking I would just ride away and never come back ... Too bad I knew the owner, or I might still be gone.  Several years later, during my “down turn”, another friend asked me to test ride an ST3 he was considering.  Well, what's a guy to do, and that my friends, was it.  I simply had to have one!  I knew the ST3 wasn’t it, but there had to be a Ducati that I could ride long distances.  Hoping to avoid the s of the first and last bike, I decided to do my due diligence about everything I though important about motorcycling and see just what it produced. 
Last week I purchased an 07 1100s Ducati Multistrada.  It's a quirky looking thing, but from the rider's perch, it feels just like home, and what a ride …!    Nothing over the years has every produced the same response in me, not to mention that its ergonomically perfect, sound just like it should and just plain gets it …!    Note to self:  “Rubber side down!”
I’m now looking forward to spending more time out there with other members, getting to know the local folks, and participating in as many events as time and money allows.  I hope you’re there to say hello.

Offline mi-msta

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Re: Once again excited ...
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2014, 08:17:53 am »
Hi Dave
Nice write up. I'll be looking forward to seeing more of you at our monthly meetings and on some of the rides!
Welcome back to the fold!

Offline Patmo

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Re: Once again excited ...
« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2014, 08:50:25 am »
DJ......your story sounds familiar to many of us, I'm sure.  Many of us have gone through periods of life where riding has been less important, and times when it consumed us.  Hopefully time teaches us perspective.  Enjoy the bike. Hope to see you at some of the events this year.

Pat M
not all that wander are lost


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