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Author Topic: Motorcycle Instructors Needed in Missouri  (Read 11347 times)

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Offline Outlaws Justice

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Motorcycle Instructors Needed in Missouri
« on: December 08, 2017, 07:43:18 am »
Become a Professional Motorcycle Instructor!

The Missouri Motorcyclist Safety Program (MMSP) is looking for qualified individuals for a part-time career in Motorcycle Training! Many training sites in Missouri (26 locations in total) need additional instructors to work for them.The Program Coordinator is seeking individuals that want to work as professional motorcycle Instructors. Most employment opportunities provide part time work. Certified instructors can work at multiple sites that offer the state approved basic riding program. The rate of pay for teaching varies by site location and the experience of the instructor. The rate will be determined after completion of all of the training required by the site or sites you are employed by.To become certified to teach as part of the Missouri Motorcycle Safety Program, candidates will need to make a commitment in both time and resources.

The process includes but is not limited to:

1. Candidates must have experience as a licensed motorcycle operator.
2. Candidates need to locate a site sponsor, you can find the sites listed here: Missouri Motorcycle Safety Program
3. Candidates need to complete the state approved basic course offered by one of the training sites in your area (candidates can go to the sponsor’s school) as students and become familiar with the program.
4. Candidates have to observe one live classes and complete a written assignment of their observations which can also be completed at the sponsor’s site.
5. Candidates will need to take an additional training course. This is to help develop their riding skills, and make sure that the candidates have a solid understanding of motorcycle related knowledge. Additional State approved classes can be found here: Missouri Motorcycle Safety ProgramOther course can be evaluated on a case by case basis.
6. Candidates must submit and pass a background check with the state of Missouri, application can be found here: Criminal Record Check
7. Candidates must submit a driving record abstract that can be obtained here: Driving Records
8. It is recommended that candidates complete a hands on CPR and First Aid Training class.
9. Candidates need to complete the Instructor Training Course (seven days of training), which includes work on both classroom and riding portions of the program.

There is no guarantee of success, the training requires both physical and mental capabilities and demands a great deal of effort!The required time investment is a total of 13 days for all the training classes and assignments. These do not all happen at once, and can happen over many weeks or even months.

If you are an avid motorcycle rider, want to be more involved in the industry, want to change the perceptions people have about motorcyclists and would enjoy helping others reach their goal of learning to ride a motorcycle, this is a great way to be involved in the motorcycle community.Becoming a professional motorcycle instructor takes a lot of time and effort but it is very rewarding in multiple ways. You will improve your riding skills and overall motorcycle knowledge, and you will become a true professional.

The Missouri Motorcycle Safety Program takes great pride and demands specific quality from all of our team members. We do this by sharing our knowledge and expertise with you. You become part of a diverse team with the goal of reducing motorcycle crashes, injuries and fatalities. The MMSP staff members and trainers have many years of motorcycle experience (our trainers have backgrounds that include motorcycle experience in street, dirt, and track riding/training).Our goal is to help you succeed and we work very closely with all candidates to do our best to provide them with all they need to complete the training program successfully.

To become and stay proficient it is expected you will teach four or more classes each year. The opportunities are there, the choice is yours.

I know some members here who are instructors in other states, feel free to ask them for information as well.

Contact Mr. David Beyer at dbeyer@ucmo.edu to start the process today!
Questions or comments, shoot me an e-mail or send me a PM. Ride safe out there!
« Last Edit: December 08, 2017, 07:53:12 am by Outlaws Justice »
National Rider Training

Offline Outlaws Justice

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Re: Motorcycle Instructors Needed in Missouri
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2017, 07:04:07 pm »
To let anyone know, we are also looking at the possibility of three new training locations in the state. Possibilities include the Poplar Bluff (Boot heel region) St. Joseph region and maybe the Branson area. If anyone is considering teaching and lives in these region that currently do not have sites let me know.
National Rider Training


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