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Forum > STAR 2018

STAR 2018 Registration is Open 😁

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Not to get off topic here but try Appomattox National Park. We toured it two years ago. Our tour guide was a Black Slave that gave her perspective of what happened and stayed in caricature throughout the tour. Worth the stop! -JEP-

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--- Quote from: RIDEMYST on December 28, 2017, 04:38:12 pm ---Not to get off topic here but try Appomattox National Park. We toured it two years ago. Our tour guide was a Black Slave that gave her perspective of what happened and stayed in caricature throughout the tour. Worth the stop! -JEP-

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--- End quote ---
I visited Appomattox long enough back that it was during a trip to the JFF Miller School event. I didn't get the tour you did. I've been thinking about going back some time when I'm up that way. Cindy & I are visiting Williamsburg in March, so perhaps we'll stop by there.


--- Quote from: RIDEMYST on December 28, 2017, 04:38:12 pm ---Not to get off topic here but try Appomattox National Park. We toured it two years ago. Our tour guide was a Black Slave that gave her perspective of what happened and stayed in caricature throughout the tour. Worth the stop! -JEP-

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--- End quote ---

OH my... that kind of a tour would be soooo cool! Talk about real education! I would love to go and get a tour like this!!

I'm registered and will be looking for some others to dual sport with. I'll be bringing my Klx250s.

We are working on the dual sport routes, and have at least 4 completed as of today.  They will be in issue 3701 as well as on the forum in the future.  The routes that I looked at, designed by Doug Marsh have a great variety of terrain and sites to see.

See you in June.


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