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Forum > STAR 2018
STAR 2018 Registration is Open 😁
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Still have not registered for STAR 18 yet? Why not? It is about 9 weeks away. The riding in this area is much different than other place in the USA. You will have great riding within minutes of the hotel without traffic or long commutes through a large city to get to the country riding. Over 20 routes planned, Street and Adventure routes that varies from 50 miles to over 300 miles in length. Of course, you can always alter any of these routes to your own design, or ask at Registration and we will help you. There are enough routes designed and things to do for those that would like to spend a few extra days in the area. The trailer parking is a few blocks away as to not block the hotel parking lot. Many different eating places, all within walking distance of the host hotel. You will not always have to exit La Crosse on the same street or road. You can pick your own direction to leave the city, whether it west, east, south, or north and any direction in between. Come visit and ride in the great Midwest.
Carl - I am sold! Can't wait to get to those alphabet roads :D
Sure hope it stops snowing by then!
Here is what happens when you do not listen to the weather forecast. This was two weeks ago. NO, it is not my bike. But it was right here in Owatonna, MN
--- Quote from: Ride4MS on April 17, 2018, 09:24:56 am ---Here is what happens when you do not listen to the weather forecast. This was two weeks ago. NO, it is not my bike. But it was right here in Owatonna, MN
--- End quote --- Doesn't look like a rat bike or some piece of junk one would leave outside uncovered.
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