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Author Topic: RKA Comment on Communications  (Read 50586 times)

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Offline Richardrka

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RKA Comment on Communications
« on: March 19, 2018, 10:44:28 pm »
 Hi Gang,
I have been quite because I thought the world was orbiting in the correct direction.
 BUT today I got a lashing from a MSTA and BMWMOA member that is smarter than me …. Who knew? 😉
The 30K is the future. The 30K is not perfect, The 30K is not for everyone. The 30K is more for groups and very easy to setup with new riders. (Remember this part when you go on your next group ride.)
 I am riding my R1200RT to La Crosse from Windsor CA. I will be alone or with one other rider. I/we do not need the 30K nor is there an advantage. 4 – 5 riders NOW it takes advantage of the MESH Technology
 I am going to give part of my upcoming seminar away as I do not want folks to be afraid to purchase the 30K or to think it is trash as some have said.
 This same wave of upset riders arose when the SMH10 was replaced by the 20S
BUT let’s go back further remember CB radio? Remember FRS radios? FRS appeared in 1996 an no one said why can’t they talk to a CB. It was a DIFFERENT THING. When Bluetooth came into the lime light it was different and could not talk to CB or FRS radio. Everyone seemed to accept that.
BUT when SENA tries to HELP make the transition easier by putting 10S technology under the 30K people started throwing knives .
 SENA WILL have firmware updates and fix some of the issue real soon maybe even before STAR
 This is kinda privet information at this time BUT again do not want a panic.
This is from my Distributor 10 minutes ago … “I am sure once they enable the audio multi tasking in Bluetooth mode for the 30K then it will work the same as the 20S”. That was a when not an if!
 So my new found friend “Phil” is upset at a lot of things blowing some pretty hot smoke and he is correct in what he says BUT he has no patients and needs to chill a little.
 The iPhone X had a battery issue. I purchased one, I did not send it back I did not complain, and Apple did a firmware update to fix it.
The deal RKA is offering goes through the 15th of April. Take advantage of a nice deal WITH support.
 I will also be doing installs for RKA customers at the rally.
 Do not listen to the voice behind the curtain. I am looking forward to my seminars and it will explain a lot and make MESH understandable to you
If you own an electric car YOU are the pioneer and the others have to catch up to YOU.
 When you purchase the 30K YOU are the future of motorcycle communication and the others have to catch up to you. BE the future, BE the pioneer.

707 836 7659


Offline Richardrka

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Re: RKA Comment on Communications
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2018, 06:59:28 am »
 I want to add ......

RKA will be more than happy to offer the SAME discount deal we are currently offering, on ANY SENA communications products. Think the 20S is the cat’s meow? …. We got them. 😉
 Kathy and I want you to know we are USERS of the “other “products we offer, we do not sell just “stuff” and we personally think the 30K is the future, they are working fine for us, we are sure whatever issues that come up will be solved. We support this product.
 Kathy and I are not only resellers of a few other products we like but remember the RKA base ..
 We design and manufacture the most beautiful, functional, LUGGAGE in the world. We will offer a nice deal on that also.
With that said let me focus on my personal mission.
 I am leaving the big rig at home, riding my BMWR1200RT across America (Kinda my 71st year walkabout) to enjoy the MSTA STARR event. I am STILL trying to get Kathy to ride with me although the BMW F800R is not the best touring motorcycle 😉. She seems to be cracking a little …. Let’s hear it from you …. 😊
 I am looking forward to having a drink with all our OLD friends and meeting NEW ones while there.
RKA is 33 years old now and if not for groups like the Sabre, HSTA, MSTA we would not be here.
 MY MISSION is to have a great time with you guys & gals.
See ya all in La Crosse.

Offline normkern

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Re: RKA Comment on Communications
« Reply #2 on: March 20, 2018, 03:22:19 pm »
Mesh Intercom both Public and Private Mode works great.
A2DP/GPS audio works great.


They don't work well AT THE SAME TIME. 

Norm Kern

Offline Richardrka

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Re: RKA Comment on Communications
« Reply #3 on: March 21, 2018, 02:13:03 pm »
Hi Norm I think I answered this on the Facebook page. When I get a minute I'll post that information HERE ;-)
The 30K is setting on top of a 10S think about it.
We will drink beer in June  :trink39:

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Re: RKA Comment on Communications
« Reply #4 on: March 22, 2018, 06:17:48 pm »
New 30K 1.0.3 firmware out yesterday, plus got some pairing info from Richard, who probably knows more about Sena products than most of the people AT Sena!

Multitasking might work for me after all. Got more testing to do!

Norm Kern

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Re: RKA Comment on Communications
« Reply #5 on: April 17, 2018, 09:02:25 am »

Went on a ride with four other riders using 20s's last Friday.  Have been using the 20s for several years but not bike to bike.  I used a Motorola BT GMRS which is totally reliable and has more range and power than ANY BT unit.  So it is PTT.  Works for the military pretty well.  Zero pairing time.  Doesn't drop out, period.  IF and that is a great big IF the 20s would work as advertised I would use it.  Pairing isn't that bad but having a snare drum beating in your ear if you intercom with three or more riders is NOT acceptable..  Group Intercomm has so many issues it is not worth using.  Having Sena, who created the problem giving you only one solution, buying a 30K is NOT acceptable.  Last but not least, look at the reviews of the 30K at Revzilla and Amazon.  34% of 30K purchasers rate it as ONE STAR.  These are primarily previous 20s users.  Revzilla only had 14 reviews but when you read them far too many wished they would have stuck with the 20s.

At this point in time I have no faith in Sena actually fixing anything.  Maybe after a year or two of guinea pigs forcing them to make them make their claims become reality I might try one, but not right now.

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Re: RKA Comment on Communications
« Reply #6 on: April 18, 2018, 09:17:37 am »
Great report Norm.  I think I have figured out how Sena implements "Mesh".  Not a practical/operational view but a technical one which may give you some insight on why things work and why they don't.  It's too long to write down and I'll explain it to you at Helen.  Keep in mind I'm doing some serious guess work.  What my primary conclusion is is that mesh is just a modification of BT with a better system of assigning and keeping track of users.  BT uses piconet which is freq hopping on top of a star topology.  Mesh topology is not something new, it is just an interconnection of nodes, but while BT has limitations from the design a mesh allows more nodes and doesn't have limitations driven by the star.  I'm betting the mesh uses the same freq hopping schema and is more of a software cataloging system.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2018, 09:20:57 am by R1200GS »

Offline Richardrka

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Re: RKA Comment on Communications
« Reply #7 on: April 19, 2018, 06:49:30 pm »
 Hi Guys,
Well the death star is at it again 😊 Hi Norm, Jeff. 😉
 Here’s the deal “some of the things Norm is saying are true” but “most of it is not”.
 They can do their tests and I can do mine and we can all dance around the tree 😉 (Notice please I am keeping a happy face.)
1: I tried to explain to them that the SM10 is not the correct knife for the fight. JUST for them I posted TWO videos one on the SM10, what it is made for, and what capabilities it has, and a second video on connections … BOTH very short.
 2: Somehow missed in all this rhetoric was the fact I have been saying the 30K is not for everyone.
 3: The 30K gives you NO ADVANTAGE at all unless you have 3 or more riders it IS for groups of 3 to 16. The MESH NETWORK kicks in when the third, forth, and fifth etc. rider joins, Then the MESH nodes come into play. AND also the ease of connecting private groups and public groups notice the word “groups” 😉 My Seminar at STAR will cover MESH in a way everyone can understand it.
4: I just took my iPhone X, Navigator VI, and SM10 and connected them one at a time to test what Norm said. Sorry to say Norm is wrong. The Audio-Multitasking works fine with the 30K in MESH MODE.
 With this all said RKA has most colors and sizes of the SENA Momentum Standard helmet ($449.00) in Stock ready to ship.
 RKA is also taking per-orders on the SENA Momentum INC (Intelligent Noise Canceling) helmet ($549.00) using the 20S technology.
 Of course we have a nice deal for MSTA members.
 If you are interested in this new product call or email me.
 707 836 7659

Offline Richardrka

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Re: RKA Comment on Communications
« Reply #8 on: April 20, 2018, 10:48:36 am »
 Hi Gang,
Connect your Bluetooth headset to your PHONE, Connect to your friends DONE!
 Yes there are more things to connect to if you want CALL ME for the CORRECT path.😉
 My RT is connected to the BMW Module, Nav VI, Phone to Nav VI, SR10 for CB and radar, Remote Control on handlebars, and a PRISM camera. There is no Death Star attacking here.
 I am afraid the “Death-Star” is going to scare everyone away from ANY communications system.
 I am not going to go into my credentials, but I did stay at a “Holiday Inn Express” the other night.
 Hold this thought ….
 A CB radio cannot talk to a FRS radio or vis a versa.
 A CB, FRS, or Bluetooth unit cannot talk to each other.
 When SENA introduced the 30K they coulda said … 30K to 30K deal with it .. BUT they did not.
 A 30K CAN talk to a Bluetooth headset .. With a small concession that’s been there with 10S, 10U, 10C 10R, all along. (The SENA 30K MESH technology is setting on top of a 10S and is a FEATURE)
I want to explain what this issue is all about in as few words as possible. It focuses on Audio-Multitasking. So, what is that?
[size=0pt]Audio Multitasking allows you to have an intercom conversation while simultaneously listening to music, FM radio, or GPS instructions. The overlaid audio is played in the background with reduced volume whenever there is an intercom conversation and will return to normal volume once the conversation is finished.[/size]

 This function works with ONLY the SENA 20S all the time and the SENA 30K when in MESH MODE.
 This function did not and does not work if you have a 10S, 10U, 10C 10R.
 The SENA 30K’s Bluetooth side is based on a 10 series NO audio multitasking.
 So what does THAT mean? If you want to speak to another rider or passenger, you have to tap in and tap out. When you do, the nav and music goes away until you tab out.
 (THIS IS THE WAY IT WAS AND IS if you do not have a 20S!!)
 This is explained most notably when a THIRD rider is involved.
 Third rider with 30K’s in MESH MODE, GREAT! YOU ARE CONNECTED. Audio multitasking works
 Third rider with a 20S or less would be connected via Bluetooth. (remember the 30K is now a 10 series in Bluetooth mode) NOW Audio multitasking does not work for anybody.
 My take on this is the 30K being able to even connect to a Bluetooth unit is a FEATURE not the Death Star
Lastly I am 100% sure SENA will fix this Audio Multitasking glitch with a firmware update.
 Maybe the 30K is not for you but if you purchase it you are the pioneer.
 When I ride to La Cross I will be riding with ONE other rider and we will be using 20S headsets as the 30K is of no advantage.
 I truly hope this simplifies this real simple and fixable flaw in the NEW 30K
Your guys call my guys and we’ll do lunch 😉


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Re: RKA Comment on Communications
« Reply #9 on: April 20, 2018, 11:19:52 am »

I’m finding this to be a very interesting conversation.  I don’t have anything real to add to it, but I’m learning a lot just reading it.  I’m looking forward to your seminar at STAR.
not all that wander are lost

Offline Richardrka

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Re: RKA Comment on Communications
« Reply #10 on: April 20, 2018, 12:12:36 pm »
 :trink39: :clap:
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you very much


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Re: RKA Comment on Communications
« Reply #11 on: April 20, 2018, 01:14:24 pm »
I too love that this conversation is happening. I with ya Richard. I love my 20S.

BTW... anyone want to buy a 10S?


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Offline R1200GS

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Re: RKA Comment on Communications
« Reply #12 on: April 20, 2018, 06:26:41 pm »
In discussions I had with Norm and Jeff at Helen this morning, I firmly believe Sena has some serious work to do. To put it mildly, Sena makes claims for the 30k that the unit doesn't live up to in the field.

Offline Richardrka

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Re: RKA Comment on Communications
« Reply #13 on: April 20, 2018, 07:46:57 pm »
RKA is a believer in SENA AND the 30K.
Like I said some of the things Norm said are true. Those things will be fixed.
Customers bring things forward they could never find out in the field. Give them a chance.

The display in our shop has ONE Momentum INC (Not may people have this product to even look at much less test) ONE Momentum Standard, If you do not know, these are SENA's NEW Bluetooth helmets. FOUR 30K's, TWO, 20S's, a 10S. and a 10C, We have FOUR C3P, TWO S2 Schuberth helemts, a Shoei 1100, a Shoei Multitech and 3 inexpensive 3/4 helmets for customer to try the units with.

We are constantly testing product

Like I said some of the things Norm said are true.
BUT he is adding in other scenarios with 15 dollar dongles and SENA parts that are not correct and making the big picture look worse than it is.

Richard ... Do you think if I jump off this building I will die? Would you test that out for me?

1200GS is using a Bluetooth FRS radio connected directly to his headset and is complaining of a noise.
RKA has purchased a Bluetooth FRS radio just so I can see how it connects. That's it, it works. DONE no further testing

I am 100% sure that 1200GS has a noise.
Am I going to go out and test it for issues when I know it is the wrong product to use? NO.
You should be using a SENA SR10 Radio adapter that CUTS the signal when you let go of the PTT and opens it when you push the PTT.

The point is if you are complaining about "this and that" and using products that may cause the issue I am out of the loop.

I do not think you all should judge in this scenario.

Like I said some of the things Norm said are true and I am not disputing that

BUT if 1200GS was my customer and wanted support from me with this issue, I would tell him the correct product SENA SR10 and the I would decline trying to research it.

Once again RKA offers ALL of SENA products and the NEW Momentum Bluetooth helmets using 20S technology
Call us.


Offline Richardrka

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Re: RKA Comment on Communications
« Reply #14 on: April 20, 2018, 08:26:56 pm »
AND another thing  ::)

I think we should get more on a positive take on this.
I think we have heard enough negativity
I think this trip to La Crosse is going to be awesome!!!
I think I am going to have a great meeting with OLD friends and NEW friends.
I think I am going to have fun riding to La Crosse and I have acquired a riding partner so even more fun.
I KNOW I am going to have a BLAST speaking about SENA, and RKA Luggage.

So if you have some positive questions I would rather respond to those.
I know everything ..... Just ask me  ::)



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