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Forum > Wanted
Starter bike for my 20 year old daughter
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--- Quote from: stevegrab on March 26, 2018, 05:05:48 pm ---
Must be so cool to share this passion with your kids.
--- End quote ---
It's a blessing and a curse. A blessing because it's something you can share, but it's a curse because it leads to never ending worry. Used to be that I was always looking in my rearview mirrors to make sure he made it through the curves with no problem. Now I am always looking ahead and hoping that he will wait for me, or worrying that I am holding him up. :)
--- Quote from: Patmo on March 27, 2018, 07:05:24 am --- --- Quote from: stevegrab on March 26, 2018, 05:05:48 pm ---
Must be so cool to share this passion with your kids.
--- End quote ---
It's a blessing and a curse. A blessing because it's something you can share, but it's a curse because it leads to never ending worry. Used to be that I was always looking in my rearview mirrors to make sure he made it through the curves with no problem. Now I am always looking ahead and hoping that he will wait for me, or worrying that I am holding him up. :)
--- End quote --- Wow, very good words Pat. But let me assure you, it's also a curse when riding with siblings (I've done so with 3 of my 6). That looking in the mirrors thing is so right on, and the worst part is the time I looked in the mirrors and the brother wasn't there. Stomach in throat, yes he crashed. But the adventures continued.
Some great stuff posted here... I remember the many days when Teresa used to ride on the back of my CB900F. We would go up to Delphos to visit Grandma. At a stop her helmet would clunk into mine. I knew she had again fallen asleep. ❤️ I loved those rides and the time we spent together. She is now 40, married and living in San Francisco. I look fondly on those days gone... enjoy your time! ❤️
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
--- Quote from: RichGrab on March 27, 2018, 12:47:38 pm --- --- Quote from: Patmo on March 27, 2018, 07:05:24 am --- --- Quote from: stevegrab on March 26, 2018, 05:05:48 pm ---
Must be so cool to share this passion with your kids.
--- End quote ---
It's a blessing and a curse. A blessing because it's something you can share, but it's a curse because it leads to never ending worry. Used to be that I was always looking in my rearview mirrors to make sure he made it through the curves with no problem. Now I am always looking ahead and hoping that he will wait for me, or worrying that I am holding him up. :)
--- End quote --- Wow, very good words Pat. But let me assure you, it's also a curse when riding with siblings (I've done so with 3 of my 6). That looking in the mirrors thing is so right on, and the worst part is the time I looked in the mirrors and the brother wasn't there. Stomach in throat, yes he crashed. But the adventures continued.
--- End quote --- For those wondering, no it wasn't me :)
Most of the people I ride/travel with regularly are as close to me as my brothers, I'd do anything for them.
doug mcpeek:
--- Quote from: stevegrab on March 26, 2018, 05:05:48 pm ---Hopefully she won't pick up bad habits from pops ;)
--- End quote ---
Like slowing down to check out the car you're passing, or leaving your turn signal on for miles? Or did you have cigars and Keystone Light in mind? ;-)
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