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Forum > Wanted
Starter bike for my 20 year old daughter
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Do as I say not as I do. That's all I got.
--- Quote from: brider on March 23, 2018, 11:18:15 pm ---She has her eye on the Ninja 250 or CBR 250. I can't talk her into a naked beater bike for a season. She is set to take the MSF in early May so we will see how things go.
--- End quote ---
Ninja 300 has a much lower seat height, and just enough more power to make them a bit funner (and perhaps easier) to ride brand new carryover ones can still be had for sub $4k........... which is about what the used market is still asking
But I have customers on Ninja 250 and CBR250's with 30,000- 40,000 and even 60,000 miles on them and they enjoy them immensely with just basic maintenance and you can find used Ninja 250's for sub 2k with low miles in good condition, and they maintain that value pretty well- if kept up.
I would look at seat height and reach for ease of use before looking at asthetics, but she is going to have to like it visually too to want to ride it...
Sounds like you got yourself a decent deal on that CBR250..... Is the helmet the correct size for her..... very important consideration
We lucked out on the gear. Helmet was a spot on fit and had been used about 50 miles total but I'm add a brand new one and a good pair of riding pants. 20 year old female riders have to look good in their gear you know! Thanks to Tosh and the PO she already has a 3 good riding jackets. A trip to iron pony and the rest is in place. Now if we could just get some decent riding weather to start honing those skills. It's 21 degrees here this AM. Come on Spring we know you are out there...
Bermuda Ron:
Hey Bill, Yoshimura makes some frame sliders for that little bike. (I remember wiping the tears from the cheeks of my 16 year old daughter when she skinned up her first scooter). I made her get back on it, and she is now a very good rider at 22.
We just got snowed on once again yesterday and last night. Saw a few cars in the ditch this am........ it was about 19* here but we have since warmed to above freezing
But we just went out and purchased an old 98 Yamaha Seca II for the better half to start riding again after a 2 year absence (crashed her bike and isn't sure she wants to continue riding after her 21 day hospital stay and broken pelvis) So we found this and if nothing else she tries it and doesn't want to ride anymore or she tries it and likes riding but not the bike and we move it forward to someone else, or she really likes the bike and riding again about 35,000 miles on it and the suspension is so soft it sags a couple inches and she can easily flat foot it and then some. Boosted her confidence immediately since she is height challenged
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