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Author Topic: Goodbye  (Read 15477 times)

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Offline Daboo

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« on: April 08, 2018, 10:17:23 am »
I had high hopes for my time here.  It looked like a thriving group of riders who would be fun to be with.  Form some lasting relationships with.  So I joined.  The national rally date in 2017 hadn't worked out for me, but I figured there's always the next time.

I admit, I'm naive.  I didn't look further, and I should've.  This is a great organization of riders who have a lot of fun, but it is really a regional riding group.  My fault.  If I lived on the east coast, or at least east of the Continental Divide, I'd probably have half a chance of meeting up with you and being part of things.  But to live in the far northwest corner of the contiguous 48 states is like having to travel across half to three-quarters of the country to be in the neighborhood.

My membership expires at the end of the month.  I wish you all the best.

Elnathan - 2014 BMW F800GT
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Offline Patmo

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Re: Goodbye
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2018, 01:44:16 pm »

You have exposed a problem.....that most of our members live in the eastern part of the US and therefore members in the western part are more isolated.  But you haven’t presented a solution. I’m not sure what the solution is, if it isn’t members in those areas reaching out and trying to recruit more members in their area.  Others, who do not live in those areas, can’t do it for you. 

Now, I realize that moving to where the members are may not be either possible or a desire of yours.  But the other option is to grow more members where you already live.  Since you did join the MSTA, and because comments you made in your post, I will assume that you joined looking for people to ride with and to form friendships with.  I’m also going to assume that you haven’t found much opportunity within the club to do so.  I’m going to bet that you are not alone with either those desires or those frustrations.  I’m going to bet that there are other riders in your same geographical area that also are looking for exactly what you are looking for.  The MSTA is a great template for how to organize a group and how to make it fun.  But it can only happen if the members themselves step up and do the work necessary to make it happen.  Members in the east, or the EC itself, can’t make it happen for you.  We can only support you and help you within the limits that we have.

I wish you well and hope you find what your looking for.  I hope you find it within the MSTA structure and organization.  But even if you don’t, I hope you find it.  And if you can’t find it.....make it.

Pat M
not all that wander are lost

Offline PolyJohn

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Re: Goodbye
« Reply #2 on: April 08, 2018, 06:59:08 pm »

I was a member of MSTA about 15 years ago, back when it was called HSTA (H=Honda), but I really wasn't a "active" member.  Much like your comments, the reason I let my membership lapse was because most of the events and rides seemed far to me and also because there was no local presence.  I rejoined MSTA last year and have gone to a couple events and rides, none of which were in my immediate area but at least now, I'm getting to meet some of the members in person.

I also joined a local BMW club last year despite not having a BMW motorcycle.  The club is welcoming and allows brands other than BMW to join.  I asked the officers of the BMW club if I could cross post their events and rides onto MSTA forums and they said - Sure, the more the merrier!!   There hasn't been a huge MSTA turnout at these events but it's still early in the season and hopefully, the momentum will continue.

I was also looking at joining the national group BMWMOA last year but made the decision to rejoin MSTA instead.  Ironically, one of the members of BMWMOA recently posted this on their Facebook page and the post exploded with comments.  There are a lot of suggestions on how to engage potential as well as current members to make everyone feel like they're a part of an organization that they can all enjoy.



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Re: Goodbye
« Reply #3 on: April 08, 2018, 07:08:05 pm »
There used to be a strong membership base in CA. However many of them have passed. There are still a few there but they are not as active in the MSTA. Also CA is a long way from WA. Dan Thomas is are most active member and he lives in Port Angeles, WA. He attends STAR every year and usually the BS rally in MO because it’s a few days after SC-MA.com’s 3 Flags rally. Occasionally he attends the Texas Hill Country rally. At each of these he get long distance rider to the event. He likes the long distance riding. I’ve asked him why he hasn’t recruited other WA riders into MSTA. He is just not a recruiter.

It’s really hard to get a group started where there isn’t one.

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Re: Goodbye
« Reply #4 on: April 30, 2018, 04:26:51 pm »
We're a national group, with pockets of members located in various parts around the country. I was lucky to encounter a local and very active group here in Norhteast Ohio 20 years ago. We're not as active as we once were, particularly with regular weekend rides.

Whenever I meet prospective members and talk to them I try to explain (where I can) what areas we are in, and what they might expect from local/regional/national events.

This conversation sounded familiar, and a quick look at Chris post histroy shows it was brought it up about one year ago as well (May 2017), in this thread

Sounds like he thought there were a large number of club memners in his area, or that we regularly had events close to him. Not sure what gave that impression, I've not seen talk on the forum that would give that impression.

We've got a member who lives in Bermuda and comes back to the US for some events. We had a member from Scotland who made the trip twice to come for STAR (was fun to meet Mac in Taos in 2010). I know members who had no bike and were not riding for a few years who maintained their membership, just because they liked the clulb and figured to ride again and be active.

Always sorry to hear of a member leaving, but not sure the club can do much in this case. As several have said, its hard to get a group started. One member is all it takes, then they bring in some friends. Imagine if the person who first joined MSTA in your local area did this.

PS  Blue Book shows 8 members in Washinton, most in the Seattle metro area, I wonder if Chris ever reached out to them.
Steve Grabowski
2014 Interceptor, 98 VFR, 99 Triumph Sprint ST, 06 Ninja 650


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