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Forum > STAR 2018

Schedula for Star 2018

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I just got back from TriSTAR! it was a smaller turnout than in past years. We all speculated that fewer attendees because of some iffy weather and because STAR is only a few weeks away.
We got wet yesterday afternoon but the morning ride was fantastic! Today there is a threat of rain this afternoon too. Doug Pippin, Dan from Chicago and I had a nice ride. It was only 92.5 miles to my house. Doug and Dan rode on towards Asheville.
If you didn’t attend you missed a great ride.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Good to hear Brick. What you riding to STAR??

See you there. :clap:


--- Quote from: RichGrab on May 27, 2018, 03:04:55 pm ---Good to hear Brick. What you riding to STAR??

See you there. :clap:

--- End quote ---

The Tenere is my road bike but either it or the FJ09 would work.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


--- Quote from: Brick on May 27, 2018, 11:52:50 am ---I just got back from TriSTAR! it was a smaller turnout than in past years. We all speculated that fewer attendees because of some iffy weather and because STAR is only a few weeks away.
We got wet yesterday afternoon but the morning ride was fantastic! Today there is a threat of rain this afternoon too. Doug Pippin, Dan from Chicago and I had a nice ride. It was only 92.5 miles to my house. Doug and Dan rode on towards Asheville.
If you didn’t attend you missed a great ride.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

--- End quote ---
Weather at TriSTAR
Thursday was a lovely day.
Friday...a few scattered showers in the area, but for most folks, it was dry and nice. A few folks, including Jim Roberts who rode to Sparta from Iowa on Friday (918 miles!), experienced a shower in the West Virginia area, but were dry the rest of the day.
Saturday...a.m.was just fine (as Brick noted) with ~2 hours of rain after lunch. Late afternoon and evening was just fine...dry and a little cooler.
Sunday many of our riders left for home. Those few staying were rewarded with a fine, albeit a bit overcast, day. Unless you went somewhere with enough elevation to get into the clouds (like the top of Whitetop Mountain...where I went. Maybe, just maybe, that sort of thing is how the mountain got its name) it was dry and just fine.
My trip home on Monday started dry and I made it to Johnson City, TN still that way. I met my sister and brother-in-law there for some lunch, and the rains came while we visited. But at that point, I didn't care.

Attached pic is from near the top of Whitetop Mountain looking south.


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