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--- Quote from: NinjaBob on May 09, 2018, 06:53:10 pm ---
--- Quote from: bcd on May 09, 2018, 09:36:55 am ---I have this GoPro remote that works with mine, and I can use it with gloves OK.


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Id have ta give up either my GPS, phone or RD if I wanted to mount it!

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It is very small, comes with a velcro strap, I have mine mounted on top of the clutch reservoir on my VFR with the included strap. Until I got the remote I too was not enjoying my Go Pro and trying to fumble around (top of helmet mount) with the buttons.

I hate to spend the $$ on a Go Pro then set it aside to buy another camera.

Go Pro Remote

I just attach the remote to a safety line and then clip it to the front of my jacket. Easy peasy and I dont have to move the mounting from one of my bikes to the other, wherever I go the remote goes.

Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk


--- Quote from: JimRRides on May 19, 2018, 09:33:16 pm ---Go Pro Remote

I just attach the remote to a safety line and then clip it to the front of my jacket. Easy peasy and I dont have to move the mounting from one of my bikes to the other, wherever I go the remote goes.

Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk

--- End quote ---
Interesting option. When I first got my I didnt read the manual or realize what the included strap was for. So I used velcro on the clutch reservoir and bottom of remote, with a velcro cable tie through its end to secure it. Then I saw Bryan Dunlap at an even with his anchored to something on the bars. Then I realized what that strap was for. I can move it from bike to bike and don't even leave it on other than when I'm using the camera.

You could probably use the included strap to put it on your arm, but not sure how well it would stay in place while riding.


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