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Yep the guys are correct. We are on the road post STAR and plan on getting home mid to late July. I then jump onto the photo editing, then burn CD’s and print the group photos for those that ordered them and get those mailed out as my top priority. After that’s complete I start my uploads to our photo site for all to see!The group photo in particular takes some post processing as I add the event logo, text and edit to make everyone look good! Be patient it will be coming in the weeks to come.Also watch for Nicky’s October STAReview which usually features STAR with lots of articles and pics! -JEP-Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Marty, curious about the COG National. Lots of good reviews on the COG forum but was wondering what the attendance was.I attended the HSTA STAR in June 1990. It was fun but many of us spent a whole lot of time in the pool or the Rio Frio!