Thread Archive > STAR 2018
STAR 2018 Full survey results
The breakfast was somewhat lacking, but the staff always helpful. Due to medications I need to keep my potassium up and do this by eating a banana daily. On the second morning I asked one of the staff if they had any, and she came through. After that, I got my daily banana.
I guess what I'm getting at is if you don't speak up, how is anyone gonna know. I like the breakfast included option, as that sets my morning. I don't have to worry about going somewhere to get something, getting out of gear again, etc. etc. Walk to breakfast, gear up and go. Someone mentioned in those comments about wanting breakfast earlier. Not everyone lives farmer hours and is up before dawn.
Of the 25 stars I have attended this one is in my top 5 for sure. Great job by Carl and the other volunteers! I stay at 25 or 30 motel/hotel nights a year most have free breakfast and the Radisson's was as good as many if not most.
Way better than Super 8! Anyway, getting a local beer included in the lunch ride made up for any shortcoming in the brakfast! :trink39:
Huge Thanks to all the volunteers and planners! :clap: :clap: :clap:
Thank you for posting the survey results from STAR. I read all the comments and found some suggestions I'm going to try with Fly-By Week in August.
Norm Kern
Harry I forgot about the free beer at that welcome reception, I must have had my share since I couldn't remember. Free and plentiful beer, food (including desert) is the recipe for a great welcome reception.
--- Quote from: fz1grl on July 12, 2018, 11:23:27 pm ---Carl it is sometimes a thankless job but you guys did an awesome job and some things are just beyond your control. We've lost members after they have helped organize a STAR from the stress and comments from others.
I just wanted to take a moment to comment back on a few years ago not sure which STAR but it was back east some where when the breakfast was NOT included in the hotel price and the restaurant was not prepared and never for the entire week manage to get enough staff on site to be able to handle the morning traffic of folk that came in to order and PAY for a breakfast. You went in knowing that it was going to be an hour or more to get a simple breakfast or you went somewhere else.
This year the first day I told them that I couldn't eat what they offered due to the seasonings and would it be too much trouble to just get a simple bowl of oatmeal and after the 2nd day they would smile at me and ask if I wanted my oatmeal :) I know that a lot of folks would want something more substantial but that along with the juice and generally fruit or something else was always plenty for me to get me going.
--- End quote ---
Denise Tosh may be right it was Staunton, I do recall going to one of the local coffee shops down the street for a light breakfast several mornings.
I also recall a bad experience in Charleston WV in 2003. They had a buffet breakfast, could not even get us silverware and beverages. They didn't even need to take our money or anything, just not prepared to deal with a crowd. After a couple days we just left, stopped somewhere for a quick bite (like McD) and told others who wanted a real breakfast to go eat before we left.
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