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Forum > Louisiana

Ride Planning Thread Remainder of 2018

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If anybody has MSTA ride plans for the rest of the year feels free to post up here. I have had a few members contact me asking if I knew who had plans.

MINE:I am planning to attend the Bull Shoals event, sharing a room with Jim G. Stacie and I are making a week long trip to TN, KY, NC & GA first week of August (No MSTA event) I May go to Hill Country but still pondering the Edelweiss Ducati MotoGp tour of Spain. I probably won't go if Marquez has already wrapped up the title by the time I need to book, which is looking very likely.

I'm heading over to the Big Lynn Lodge this coming weekend, up to the River City Ride in a couple of weeks, and then the MailPouch Week later in August.

Bull Shoals weekend in September is already jammed with setting up a concert on Friday and an MSF BRC Saturday and Sunday.

The JFF event at TWO a week later is still a possibility. That would be one more chance to break out the tent, but I'm assuming they also have rooms available.

The Byway Boogie is a busy weekend in October...already scheduled to do escort duty for two different triathlons that weekend.

Texas Hill Country is another way-too busy weekend with performances by the Knoxville Opera Company (I'm the technical director).

I'd like to make the Fall Colors Ride, but that's the same weekend as my local Ride For Kids event...can't miss that.

This work stuff is way too pervasive in my schedule with 3 different events missed due to 3 different jobs.

I will be heading to Marietta on Tuesday of MPFBW, staying all week.  Possible on River City Ride.  September will find myself and a couple of other MSTA members in Waynesville, NC for a non-MSTA weekend with families and friends.  Monthly breakfast meets with SW OHIO and KY MSTA members. Fall Colors is still a possibility too.


--- Quote from: NinjaBob on July 17, 2018, 06:43:53 pm ---If anybody has MSTA ride plans for the rest of the year feels free to post up here. I have had a few members contact me asking if I knew who had plans.

MINE:I am planning to attend the Bull Shoals event, sharing a room with Jim G. Stacie and I are making a week long trip to TN, KY, NC & GA first week of August (No MSTA event) I May go to Hill Country but still pondering the Edelweiss Ducati MotoGp tour of Spain. I probably won't go if Marquez has already wrapped up the title by the time I need to book, which is looking very likely.

--- End quote ---

My daughter is visiting from SF the first week of August. However it entirely possible that you maybe here when she is gone. I would love to have you guys come and stay with me. We’ve got a few roads here. Let me know your dates.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


--- Quote from: Brick on July 17, 2018, 09:54:46 pm ---
--- Quote from: NinjaBob on July 17, 2018, 06:43:53 pm ---If anybody has MSTA ride plans for the rest of the year feels free to post up here. I have had a few members contact me asking if I knew who had plans.

MINE:I am planning to attend the Bull Shoals event, sharing a room with Jim G. Stacie and I are making a week long trip to TN, KY, NC & GA first week of August (No MSTA event) I May go to Hill Country but still pondering the Edelweiss Ducati MotoGp tour of Spain. I probably won't go if Marquez has already wrapped up the title by the time I need to book, which is looking very likely.

--- End quote ---

My daughter is visiting from SF the first week of August. However it entirely possible that you maybe here when she is gone. I would love to have you guys come and stay with me. We’ve got a few roads here. Let me know your dates.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

--- End quote ---
Thanks for the offer Brick! We are on a tight schedule however, Stacie not yet retired. Would love to visit another time!


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