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Author Topic: 2018 Texas Hill Country  (Read 57530 times)

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Offline fartymarty

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2018 Texas Hill Country
« on: August 10, 2018, 05:02:12 pm »
Other than being a registered attendee I have no administrative association with this event. However I think a link to the event should be on the forum, so I put it here.


https://www.facebook.com/events/869273023182266 edit: OOPS! wrong year!

Correct Facebook Link---> https://www.facebook.com/events/306884979874751/

If there is another link already here on the forum somewhere, then it isn't that easy to find, so here is another.
I think I'm helping, but if I'm just making the waters muddy, somebody please let me know and I'll delete this.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2018, 01:20:33 pm by fartymarty »
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Re: 2018 Texas Hill Country
« Reply #1 on: August 10, 2018, 06:23:08 pm »
You done good Martin, thanks.
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Offline stevegrab

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Re: 2018 Texas Hill Country
« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2018, 11:12:11 am »
Thanks for that info, I checked and don't see the event on the calendar on this site.

For a second I thought the dates looked odd, then realized the calendar I was using (the one on our MSTA site with events) runs Mon-Sun instead of Sun-Sat.
Steve Grabowski
2014 Interceptor, 98 VFR, 99 Triumph Sprint ST, 06 Ninja 650

Offline fartymarty

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Re: 2018 Texas Hill Country
« Reply #3 on: August 16, 2018, 12:16:51 pm »
Thanks for that info, I checked and don't see the event on the calendar on this site.

For a second I thought the dates looked odd, then realized the calendar I was using (the one on our MSTA site with events) runs Mon-Sun instead of Sun-Sat.

Would you have a link to that calendar that you are referring to?  Which exactly is "our MSTA site"?

Pardon my rant, especially here in a section that is supposed to be dedicated to one event, but my one criticism of the MSTA is that it is scattered to hell and back all over the internet. I just now noticed that the links I provided above actually are making the waters muddy...the dates don't agree. Obviously the farcebook page I linked to is for a prior year. I'll cross that out.

..anyway (yeah, rant is over  :), sorry ) I've tried to put it (the event, not the rant) on the calendar but I might not have done it right.

« Last Edit: August 16, 2018, 12:40:05 pm by fartymarty »
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Re: 2018 Texas Hill Country
« Reply #4 on: August 16, 2018, 01:43:25 pm »
It is on the calender....

this is generally the responsibility of whomever is putting on or coordinating an event, ride, meetup, what have you.  Of course, they can delegate it to another.  Will Bishop has made an offer on the MSTA national Facebook page to create an “event” page for any of the MSTA events that people want one set up for.  It’s actually very easy to do.

MSTA information is scattered all over the Internet because many people have their own preferred way of using the Internet.....this forum, Facebook, e-mail lists, etc. Keeping the MSTA website alone correct and up to date could be a full time job for one person.  Bob does a tremendous job, but he’s only one person.  Keeping all of the various forms of internet communications synced would be great, but it’s going to take more people willing to be on a team that does it, than just Bob.

Perhaps we need to put together an internet communications TEAM?
not all that wander are lost

Offline fartymarty

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Re: 2018 Texas Hill Country
« Reply #5 on: August 16, 2018, 02:29:36 pm »
It is on the calendar....
I guess I did it right then. Cool.

this is generally the responsibility of whomever is putting on or coordinating an event, ride, meetup, what have you.  Of course, they can delegate it to another.  Will Bishop has made an offer on the MSTA national Facebook page to create an “event” page for any of the MSTA events that people want one set up for.  It’s actually very easy to do.

MSTA information is scattered all over the Internet because many people have their own preferred way of using the Internet.....this forum, Facebook, e-mail lists, etc. Keeping the MSTA website alone correct and up to date could be a full time job for one person.  Bob does a tremendous job, but he’s only one person.  Keeping all of the various forms of internet communications synced would be great, but it’s going to take more people willing to be on a team that does it, than just Bob.

Perhaps we need to put together an internet communications TEAM?

Just to be clear, my mini rant wasn't aimed at Bob (despite him stealing my misplaced 1/4" socket extension), he's doing a great job! It was just a rant/release of low level frustration, not aimed at anybody.
Still I think the EC should look into this. IMO there should be one location to get the links to all the events no matter where the individual volunteer hosts decide to put that info. I haven't been to that many MSTA events, but the ones that I have were all very impressive the way they were organized and executed. The scattering of info all over the place belies that impression IMO, at least until a central link is established. I vote for the forum to be that central link, however the where really isn't that important, the existence of a central link is, be it facebook, the forum, or the Join the MSTA website.   

Judi, (and all of MSTA) my apologies for taking the forum section dedicated to this event off topic. I'm looking forward to riding the Hill Country in October!
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Re: 2018 Texas Hill Country
« Reply #6 on: August 16, 2018, 04:52:43 pm »
Marty....it’s a good observation and certainly should be something that can be taken a look at.  I also apologize for letting a discussion get off base.
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Re: 2018 Texas Hill Country
« Reply #7 on: August 16, 2018, 05:41:28 pm »
Thanks for that info, I checked and don't see the event on the calendar on this site.

For a second I thought the dates looked odd, then realized the calendar I was using (the one on our MSTA site with events) runs Mon-Sun instead of Sun-Sat.

Would you have a link to that calendar that you are referring to?  Which exactly is "our MSTA site"?

Pardon my rant, especially here in a section that is supposed to be dedicated to one event, but my one criticism of the MSTA is that it is scattered to hell and back all over the internet. I just now noticed that the links I provided above actually are making the waters muddy...the dates don't agree. Obviously the farcebook page I linked to is for a prior year. I'll cross that out.

..anyway (yeah, rant is over  :) , sorry ) I've tried to put it (the event, not the rant) on the calendar but I might not have done it right.
Let's start with this, I access the MSTA forum pages using a PC or tablet and a web browser. Others may use Tapatalk an app for mobile devices to read/post to forums. I have no idea how different that is.

The calendar is a button/link at the top of the MSTA Forum page, it goes to this web address

There you can change months, click on events etc. It is (I believe) a part of the forum software we use.

I work in IT, have been a programmer for almost 30 years, and use the web a lot. So I am accustomed to hunting for things when they are not in the open. Even given that, I still have problems finding info for MSTA online sometimes. When I saw your question I started digging and looking in the different areas that might have info (calendars, subforums for events, etc.).

PS  I too apologize for going off topic, was just trying to help get the information and answer the questions posed.
Steve Grabowski
2014 Interceptor, 98 VFR, 99 Triumph Sprint ST, 06 Ninja 650

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Re: 2018 Texas Hill Country
« Reply #8 on: August 16, 2018, 07:13:40 pm »
Early this year I was encouraged to make it easy to find our ride schedule and I made some changes. on our home page, dead center top menu line: LETS RIDE! Was I beeing too cute - should it say RIDE SCHEDULE? Anyway, that link will give you dates, locations contact info for all 2018 events. Thanks to Pat for gathering that info for me. Same info is on the forum, under EVENTS>Upcomiong Events>
Also, I added a banner should be at top of every page :"Lets RIDE! Check out the 2018 Event Schedule"[/size][/font]
link to the same info.

As far as more details about each event, again that is what the event sub boards are for and that falls on the organizers. Yes they have been underused. If organisers choose an alternative platform I am sure they have their reasons. The event organizers are the heart blood of the club. I did an event for 5 years or so and know how much work it is. I am not going to ask them to do any more than they are doing already. But I am ready an willing to assist any organizer with his or her event board. :trink39:

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Offline fartymarty

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Re: 2018 Texas Hill Country
« Reply #9 on: October 13, 2018, 04:42:44 pm »
So back on topic.  :) 

(Much below was skillfully swiped from Judi's MSTA face book posts.)

Reason #25 to attend the 25th Annual Texas Hill Country Rally
White tablecloth banquet

Reason #24 to attend the 25th Annual Texas Hill Country Rally
Three day motorcycle weekend in the spectacular Texas Hill Country

Reason #23 to attend the 25th Annual Texas Hill Country Rally
Once a year chance to collect hugs and kisses from our Texas friends. - Bob “Dog” Maddocks
(fm's edit: Judi can hug me, but if anybody with "dog" in their name tries to kiss me..... :-* :helpme: :P >:( >:( >:( >:( >:()

Reason #22 to attend the 25th Annual Texas Hill Country Rally
Being able to stay in the Historic YO Ranch Hotel!

Reason #21 to attend the 25th Annual Texas Hill Country Rally
The opportunity to visit this incredible place!!

Reason #20 to attend the 25th Annual Texas Hill Country Rally
Best 12 mile stretch of road in the state of Texas (fm's edit:... in Judi's opinion, YOMV)

Reason #19 to attend the 25th Annual Texas Hill Country Rally
The honor of being included in the annual group photo on the steps of Destination Cycle

Reason #18 to attend the 25th Annual Texas Hill Country Rally
Because you’re going to want to say you were there.

Reason #17 to attend the 25th Annual Texas Hill Country Rally

❤️This place❤️
..... a “must do”!  (fm's edit: You all can go to the orchard, I'll be at the Bakery and Cafe;) )

Reason #16 to attend the 25th Annual Texas Hill Country Rally
The famous Ice Cream Social graciously hosted by Joe and Michele Paolilli

 (fm's edit: If you are interested in motorcycles, cool motorcycle garages, and/or Legos, or just ice cream and conversation, then you are really going to enjoy this.)

 Reason #15 to attend the 25th Annual Texas Hill Country Rally
Great souvenir photos of you riding in the breathtaking Texas Hill Country from our friends at TXMotoFoto.com ❤️

 Reason #14 to attend the 25th Annual Texas Hill Country Rally
The greatest white tablecloth Rally Buffet in the country.
This year’s menu:
*Garden Green and Pasta Salads
*Pork Loin in Mustard Cream Sauce
*Carved to order - Roast Beef Au Jus
*Roasted Rosemary New Potatoes
*Seasonal Vegetables
*Hot Rolls w/butter
*Fresh Cobbler
(fm's edit:Ok, this one is a bit like #25 only with more detail, so there might only be 24 reasons. I think that's enough, don't you?)

Reason #13 to attend the 25th Annual Texas Hill Country Rally
A chance of winning a set of these awesome, hi-tech Bluetooth Tire Pressure Monitoring valve caps!!!
Thank you FOBO - Sensing with sense❣️❣️

That's all I could steal for now, I'll try to keep up in the next few days, but I'll be leaving this coming Thursday for Big Bend. If Judi posts any of the rest after that, I'm counting on some of you fellow face book thieves to fill in this thread.
 I can count on you right? :-\ :trink39:
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Offline fartymarty

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Re: 2018 Texas Hill Country
« Reply #10 on: October 15, 2018, 07:21:42 pm »
Reason #12 to attend the 25th Annual Texas Hill Country Rally

A chance of winning a $50 Gift Certificate from our friends and generous supporters, Moto Liberty.

Thank you Moto Liberty!!

( skillfully swiped from Judi's MSTA face book posts.)
« Last Edit: October 16, 2018, 01:50:42 am by fartymarty »
MSTA#13833 COG #9712
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Offline fartymarty

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Re: 2018 Texas Hill Country
« Reply #11 on: October 16, 2018, 01:50:03 am »
 Reason #11 to attend the 25th Annual Texas Hill Country Rally

A chance to win a set of Michelin tires for your bike!!!!
MICHELIN Motorcycle tires | Michelin USA

(skillfully swiped from Judi's MSTA face book posts.)

MSTA#13833 COG #9712
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Offline fartymarty

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Re: 2018 Texas Hill Country
« Reply #12 on: October 17, 2018, 09:44:04 am »
 Reason #10 to attend the 25th Annual Texas Hill Country Rally

A chance to win a super cool Motion Pro Digital Tire Pressure Gauge!!!


OK, that's the last one I can do, I hope Judi or someone can get the next 9 up cross posted here.
« Last Edit: October 17, 2018, 10:22:08 am by fartymarty »
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Offline fartymarty

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Re: 2018 Texas Hill Country
« Reply #13 on: October 18, 2018, 12:25:28 am »
I lied, just one more before I leave town....

 Reason #9 to attend the 25th Annual Texas Hill Country Rally

A chance to win this perfectly timed gift of a quality Nelson-Rigg Stormrider Rainsuit!!!
Nelson-Rigg | SR-6000 Stormrider Motorcycle Rain Suit | Motorcycle Raingear

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2018 Texas Hill Country
« Reply #14 on: October 18, 2018, 09:09:15 am »
I’m on it Marty!! 

***** TOP 25 REASONS *****

Reason #8 to attend the 25th Annual Texas Hill Country Rally

Can you hear me now??  A chance to win this solid performing Sena S10 Communication system! 

Thank you Sena !!!!


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