Hey Rick. Yup, I recognize your username, but not sure we've ever met (if we have, blame my old-timer's disease). I was gonna head west from the Green Twsp area near the 275/74 junction on 50 thru L-burg/Aurora, and then follow 56/156 and throw in a few of the purty backroads in Switzerland Cty. Not gonna claim I'm an expert on the backroads in SE Indiana, but the one's I've looked at are nice if you like narrow and twisty.
We can meet easily in Miamitown at Exit#7/OH128 and ride the westside roads from there. There's a Wendy's/BP/Marathon within a few feet of the exit ramp. If you want to run all the way to the Brookville exit on 74, we can meet somewhere south of that, maybe in Aurora or Rising Sun, and then hook up and head toward Warsaw. I plan on leaving my place around [see edit] so gimme a call at home before that if you want to meet up.
EDIT/ADD: I just mapped out a backroads route on GoogleMap and it's running about 2 hrs and change, so if you wanna meet at the Miamitown exit, lets move the time up to 10:15. If that's too early, we can short-cut some and drop a few of the backwoods scenic stuff….you know, the stuff Dice likes to refer to as goat paths. Lemeno.
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