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Outlaws Justice:
I have been working on a book for the past 18 months directed to help those in motorsports better help their students. 8)
The ART of Effective Motorsports Coaching. :)
I was not fully prepared for everything that goes into doing this, The writing seemed to be the easiest part and actually only took a couple of months, but getting the layout, editing, all of the pictures and graphics and necessary permissions all added time. The final was getting it into print as I am self publishing. Well it is finally complete and I got enough money together to have the first run printed. The printer is working on them now and I should have them in my hands before the holidays so I can finally start distributing them! :trink39:
Excellent! :clap:
Whoa! That’s excellent!
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Outlaws Justice:
A few of the early reviews
Effective coaching is an Art… Effective coaching requires the ability to create an environment in which coaches and students develop a partnership in learning that allows for the development of skills outlined in course objectives and students’ personal goals. This book reminds us that customer service is at the heart of effective coaching. It provides a clear and concise set of skills that help motorsport coaches, both new and experienced, to know their students, identify preferred learning styles, and meet the students on their level. These skills, along with the right attitude, can increase our effectiveness as coaches. The ART of Effective Motorsports Coaching encourages us to continue to develop our coaching skills so we remain effective guides for our students throughout the learning process and beyond. After more than 30 years of teaching music, and 10 years of motorsports coaching, I have found that the thoughtful process outlined here keeps me focused on guiding the learning process with the student at the center. This book is a wonderful opportunity for anyone in a coaching position to reflect on his or her effectiveness, and areas for growth. Dr. James Snell Associate Professor of Music and Motorcycle RiderCoach
The Art of Effective Motorsports Coaching is a relevant and insightful look into what makes an effective motorsports instructor. The vast experience Dave has, not only teaching motorsports but teaching the coaches of motorsports to be better coaches, informs this book with solid tips and tactics to make the learning process meaningful and positive for the coaches and students. Dave highlights the attitudes, skills, and techniques that make the kind of instructor a student from ten years ago will come up to and say “Hey, remember me? I was in your class!” because he or she had such a positive and memorable experience. As I read The Art of Effective Motorsports Coaching, I could not help but reflect on my own teaching and coaching experiences, and how I might improve them in the future. I think this book will be beneficial to anyone who teaches or coaches motorsports.
Bill Scott Retired CFO and Motorcycle Instructor
The Art of Effective Motorsports Coaching, by David Beyer I highly recommend David Beyer’s new book to anyone who already is, or might someday consider becoming a motorcycle rider coach, control rider, trainer or instructor of any kind. David has an exceptional gift for teaching, made apparent by the clear and concisely presented chapters in his book; and he’s also very proficient at and enjoys helping others expand their knowledge in these areas. This is not only an excellent book to read and study, but it will also serve the reader well as a reference guide to keep handy whenever it’s necessary to review a covered topic. Having been involved in motorcycling for over 35 years, I was greatly encouraged to see these very important topics finally covered in this relevant and invaluable book, The Art of Effective Motorsports Coaching. In addition to augmenting the motorcycle rider training that I offer, David’s book has also been helpful to me with the non-motorcycle related training I do in my job as the company trainer for a national/international organization. You already have a passion to help riders refine their existing skills and learn new ones. You enjoy helping them become better and safer riders. You’re the one who David’s book will help to learn new techniques and to become an even better and more proficient and effective instructor, and your students will benefit from learning more from you. I strongly encourage you to order your copy of The Art of Effective Motorsports Coaching, by David Beyer today!
Kurt Repsher Advanced Rider Course Chief Instructor[/font][/size][size=0pt][/size][size=0pt]CMA SC Area Rep - Fast Lane[/size][size=0pt][/size][size=0pt]GWRRA SC-K Rider Educator[/size][size=0pt][/size]
Outlaws Justice:
Another Great review that came in last week.
The ART of Effective Motorsports Coaching, by David M. Beyer, like all good coaching, is a seamless portrayal of education at its best. This book is for those who teach…just about anything really. His words make sense in an everyday kind of way, like walking through a dark house and finding all the light switches right where they belong. A lifelong and dedicated motorsports coach, Beyer uses his experience on the range to brilliantly illustrate the difference between being a good rider and what is required to effectively transfer those skills to persons who would trust us to teach them well. Many coaches enjoy entertaining their students (and themselves) by telling stories and spinning protracted yarns disguised as examples, often irrelevant to the task at hand. The point of Beyer's book is that if the wheels aren’t turning, the students aren’t learning, and as importantly, what we say with the few words we speak is essential. And not only what we say verbally, but also our body language and even where we stand relative to the students’ path of travel are all critical, unspoken elements to effective teaching. In a brief 84 pages, the author unpacks a powerful message of a philosophy that helps students build upon victories in an orderly fashion. Beyer’s expertise on the range is evident in the confines of the book. He masterfully weaves a variety of illustrations, photographs, relevant quotes, and real-life stories to make point after point. Subtly, the reader finds within himself a heightened awareness of what a student sees, feels and needs in order to learn. His circle of success initiated by first building trust then confidence is broken down to its base elements throughout the book. The nuance of precisely initiating a turn, braking or maintaining body position must be understood first by the coach and then effectively delivered in order for the student to have a chance of learning. The principals of adult education are elusive to a surprising number of coaches, but Beyer’s methods are reasonable, respectful and always relevant to the student’s current state of mind and skill of each individual student. Between these pages are pearls of wisdom on how we as instructors can up our game. Bill Dragoo Dragoo Adventure Rider Training (DART)
Bill Dragoo is an internationally certified BMW Motorrad off-road instructor and owns and operates DART.
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