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Author Topic: STAR...why?  (Read 47739 times)

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Re: STAR...why?
« Reply #30 on: June 06, 2019, 10:38:01 pm »
Well Patmo, you had a better explanation and eloquence than I could have ever stated.
Well done.  TM

Offline Ride4MS

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Re: STAR...why?
« Reply #31 on: June 06, 2019, 11:09:05 pm »
Last year at La Crosse was only my 3rd STAR, and I was the Coordinator.  My wife and I drove to the La Crosse area and beyond 4 times in the previous year, checking out the location, as well as looking for a good lunch stop.  This was all on our own money, even the gas.

We arrived on Friday mid-day.  I rode my cycle, and my wife followed with our F150 full of door prizes and other items for the event.

I parked my ST1100 on Friday, and did not ride again until mid-morning on Monday for only about 100 miles with a few other people following us.  They wanted to see some sites, as well as some riding, but not long rides.

Tuesday and Wednesday we did the same.  The total miles ridden that week was about 350 miles.

WHY??  Because I had volunteered to be the Coordinator, as well as we were both Ambassadors for the event.  And we enjoyed it.

So don't anyone say that the volunteers do not love their job, whether it be Coordinators, or a greeter at the door or registration, they love what they do year after year for the club and for everyone to enjoy STAR or any event.

As far as membership less than it was years ago.  Check out any club.  Not just a cycle club.  Car Clubs, Church groups, local clubs or groups.  They all have less members than years ago.  Much of this is there is too much to do.  And, as they say, the times are a changing.

OSU55, please join us in Bristol and you will see what a great group the MSTA is and also take the time to volunteer for a position at STAR.  You will come away with a better point of view.  You will also get to make many new friends.  See my earlier post for more details.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2019, 11:11:01 pm by Ride4MS »
Carl Wieman, 2016-2022 MSTA Dan Clark Safety Program Coordinator,    2022 Vanderhall Venice, 1986 Honda Gold Wing Interstate 
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Re: STAR...why?
« Reply #32 on: June 07, 2019, 07:23:49 am »
Well said Pat! I tend to agree with Jon C's observation that those that complain most put forth the least effort to help. So sad.
Personally I'm looking forward to STAR as always and appreciate the efforts of those that volunteer their time. Keep up the good work people as it does not go unnoticed. -JEP-

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Re: STAR...why?
« Reply #33 on: June 08, 2019, 08:38:39 pm »
For those of you that don’t do Facebook, there has been a very lively and enjoyable discussion going on as what is the “purpose” of our annual STAR event.  The discussion morphed out of the original discussion of where to hold a western STAR?  There were several good suggestions made, but the where really depends on the WHY?

Is STAR’s main purpose to bring as many of our members together in one place at one time?
Is it to introduce members to new areas and venues they wouldn’t normally go to?
Something else?

Opinions? Thoughts?  Please discuss.....
I enjoy attending STAR to see old friends (and they are all OLD) and ride with a mature group always staying below posted speed limits.
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Re: STAR...why?
« Reply #34 on: June 11, 2019, 08:06:43 am »
Well, while I may have only posted 4 times, I have been a member about since the late 90's - early 2000's, don't remember exactly. I've only been a licensed rider for 44 years, been a member of COG/HSTA/MSTA attending various rallies (club or other) for about 30 years,  so I might not be as experienced as you all.

As a paying member, I certainly have a right to my opinion, whether I volunteer or not. I simply responded to the topic "STAR...Why?". I obviously have a different opinion than those responding on this forum concerning STAR, but I know other members with opinions similar to mine. You all obviously like it the way it is, so good for you. When you would like to see something change, you first have to say something. I have. Don't ask if you don't want to listen, at least Ninjabob did! To his point, you can't make everybody happy.

It seems some of you regard STAR with an almost religious cult fervor, treating my opinion as blasphemy - name calling, insulting my manhood, insinuating health issues. Hopefully we don't meet face to face.

As to owing apologies, I asked what I think is a legitimate question, I didn't make a statement or accusation, so none is required.

"2) More and more weekend/regional rallies are not requiring MSTA membership - wonder why? Could it be club officers and friends are self-serving and club membership is of little to no value unless you value the national rally?"

[/size]Patmo, you're apparently a club officer (I don't keep track of the politics, keeping up with liberals trying to destroy America is enough politics). I appreciate the explanation that the club made a local rally attendance/membership change. Perhaps you would address the part of the question above, regarding membership value if one doesn't attend the national?

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Re: STAR...why?
« Reply #35 on: June 11, 2019, 10:33:24 am »
Well, while I may have only posted 4 times, I have been a member about since the late 90's - early 2000's, don't remember exactly. I've only been a licensed rider for 44 years, been a member of COG/HSTA/MSTA attending various rallies (club or other) for about 30 years,  so I might not be as experienced as you all.

As a paying member, I certainly have a right to my opinion, whether I volunteer or not. I simply responded to the topic "STAR...Why?". I obviously have a different opinion than those responding on this forum concerning STAR, but I know other members with opinions similar to mine. You all obviously like it the way it is, so good for you. When you would like to see something change, you first have to say something. I have. Don't ask if you don't want to listen, at least Ninjabob did! To his point, you can't make everybody happy.

It seems some of you regard STAR with an almost religious cult fervor, treating my opinion as blasphemy - name calling, insulting my manhood, insinuating health issues. Hopefully we don't meet face to face.

As to owing apologies, I asked what I think is a legitimate question, I didn't make a statement or accusation, so none is required.

"2) More and more weekend/regional rallies are not requiring MSTA membership - wonder why? Could it be club officers and friends are self-serving and club membership is of little to no value unless you value the national rally?"

[/size]Patmo, you're apparently a club officer (I don't keep track of the politics, keeping up with liberals trying to destroy America is enough politics). I appreciate the explanation that the club made a local rally attendance/membership change. Perhaps you would address the part of the question above, regarding membership value if one doesn't attend the national?

Blah, blah, blah. So, you've been a member for a while, but don't keep track of the officers. Maybe what you fail to notice (or maybe know since you're so busy worrying about liberals destroying the country) is that STAR is also the annual "business" meeting for the club. In my opinion, that in and of itself is THE REASON to hold the event somewhere where attendance can be maximized. The other thing is each member gets what they think is a worthwhile experience for their being a member.  And I don't know what English language you speak, but your own quote is an accusation when you say "Could it be club officers and friends are self-serving ..." That is a pretty clear accusation to me. So, if you find no value in being a MSTA member, go play somewhere else and have a nice day.
Rich Grabowski;Jackson, MI; MSTA #12038
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Re: STAR...why?
« Reply #36 on: June 11, 2019, 03:47:23 pm »
I’ll be happy to respond to the inquiry about membership value....

First we need to separate that into two categories...

Monetary value and non-monetary value.

As for the latter, NON-monetary value, this is something that every person has to answer for themselves. There is no set answer as each person gets out of the club different things. These will include friendships, opportunities to ride, shared experiences, advice, information, and many more things I can’t even think about right now. The list is as long as the club is old.  As diverse as there are the number of members.

Monetary value is a little more concrete.  It starts with the cost of 39.00 per year for a membership.  But, you’ve got to subtract 10.00 from that for the 10.00 off of a REGIONAL rally fee coupon that every dues paying member gets when they join or renew (or in the case of multi year Members it is sent yearly). That leaves you with a yearly cost of 29.00.....not even enough money to fill the tank of my Jeep Cherokee 1X.  So let’s start with agreeing that a membership to the MSTA is pretty darn inexpensive.

But wait!  There’s more!

Each dues paying member will get 4 copies of the STAReview, either mailed to them in print form or sent in digital form. Like the coupons, this will be only available to dues paying members.

Beyond that, there are a whole host of discounts on hotels, gear, admissions, and parts that are available to MSTA members. Those discount codes are not given to non- members. Taking advantage of just a few every year can more than pay for a membership.  And speaking of discounts....most of the events (regional and national) involve staying in a hotel and/or eating at a restaurant....almost always at a discounted rate that the event coordinators negotiated for the event.  Being part of an established group makes this not just possible, but easy.

I’ll sum it up this way....I’m a member because I WANT to be.  I want to be because in the MSTA I have found a group that shares my style of riding and a group of people whose friendships I value and with whom I enjoy riding with and spending time with.  I’ve not found that so completely with any of the other groups I have been associated with.  The monetary cost is virtually 0 for me as I take advantage of the discounts and save more there than the 39.00 it costs me.  In fact I’m a sustaining member because even with the extra 30.00 that costs me, it’s still a wash.

I’ll make just a couple of more points...in my PERSONAL opinion....I think it’s more important that we have a small solid nucleus of members that believe in the club and want the club to continue to exist, than it is to have thousands of members that are only members for what they financially get out of the it.  If someone is breaking it down to just why does it make financial sense to be a member?.....they are missing the whole point of the club.  In addition, if all we club members are concerned with is membership numbers and growing the numbers, then we as club members are missing the point too.  Dana Sawyer didn’t start this club with the idea of just getting big, he started this club with the idea that it would be FUN.  I kind of figure that if we concentrate on making things fun, the numbers will take care of themselves.  If spending 39.00 a year for a membership is going to take all the fun out of it for someone, then don’t spend it.  Come to the events and concentrate on having fun.  Maybe if you’re having enough fun you won’t mind sending in the 39.00....consider it a donation if you like and not a membership.

Seems that as soon as ANY money is involved people take this sh** way to seriously.
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Re: STAR...why?
« Reply #37 on: June 11, 2019, 04:56:21 pm »
Well Patmo, you had a better explanation and eloquence than I could have ever stated.
Well done.  TM
Yep Pat does a great job with the diplomacy, I personally won't make that much effort with somebody who is just trashing the club and putting out lies.

I won't bother "debating" with OSU555, he's obviously got some ax to grind with the club, of which he is vastly misinformed. Keeping up with the officers especially VP is far from difficult, its in every issue of STAReview with Pat's column.

PS  According to the Blue Book OSU555 (name and location in their profile) has been a member since 2012 a bit after the late 90s early 2000s. Maybe their membership lapsed and started over.
Steve Grabowski
2014 Interceptor, 98 VFR, 99 Triumph Sprint ST, 06 Ninja 650

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Re: STAR...why?
« Reply #38 on: June 11, 2019, 05:45:55 pm »
I forgot to mention that MSTA membership also lets you participate in the bike raffle.  Now I know that the GW isn't OSU's cup of tea, but that's still a pretty good perk IMHO. 

Don't know of another raffle, with a ticket cost of only 7.00, where your odds of winning such an expensive prize are so good!   

Some MEMBER is GOING TO WIN a new motorcyle 2 weeks from tomorrow.....who's it going to be!?
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Re: STAR...why?
« Reply #39 on: June 11, 2019, 11:57:06 pm »
I do not see why STAR and the regional events have to be exactly the same.  STAR is a different event with a much bigger attendance and that attendance difference requires certain necessities such as a bigger hotel.  We cannot hold STAR at the Allegheny Inn (which is just a few miles from what I consider the really good roads). There's not a big enough hotel in the Breaks or at Smoke Hole Road or in Burke's Garden, either.   I find it unreasonable to expect that an event will be tailored to my precise tastes unless I planned the whole thing.  Even then compromises would have to be made. 

Bristol is a brilliant location in my view.  The hotel is not downtown, but on the outskirts.  Roads like VA 80, VA 16, VA 58 and dozens of others are within easy reach.  And since I'll be riding through southern Ohio and eastern Kentucky to get there, I have the bonus of a good ride to and from the event.  Back when I rode a bike with sportier ergonomics I hated even a brief stint on a straight road.  Now with standard ergos I still hate the interstate, but I can ride a short distance to get between the twisty bits with no fuss.  If the weather holds out, I'll have fun at STAR.  If it rains, maybe I'll go downtown.  ;-)

Ohio MSTA State Director
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Re: STAR...why?
« Reply #40 on: June 12, 2019, 08:25:50 am »
In regards to just how close the “good roads” are from the Holiday Inn.....I will assume that most people will think that 421 AKA “The Snake” is a good road?

It’s exactly 11.8 miles of little twisty back roads to the top of the snake....hardly a “drone”.   ;D

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Re: STAR...why?
« Reply #41 on: June 12, 2019, 03:18:26 pm »
Holy Cow!  I totally forgot about the Dan Clark Fund too!

A member benefit that actually PAYS members to buy gear and take riding training!   What a great plan for adding value to a membership.  Is there anyone else that has a program like this?!  It has given members THOUSANDS of dollars over the years for doing nothing more than what they were already doing...buying new gear and/or taking training classes. 
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Re: STAR...why?
« Reply #42 on: June 12, 2019, 11:16:15 pm »
Thank you Pat for mentioning the Dan Clark Safety Program.  I forgot to mention that myself.  That is correct, thousands per year.  The fund has provided over $3,000.00 per year for the past several years to members.  Most of the members that received money this past year, got back over $50.00.  One member turned in 4 receipts, and got back almost $400.00.  Now that is a BIG benefit for ONLY MSTA  members.

More details can be found on the forum under Dan Clark Safety Fund, and in the past issues of STAReview.

While I am talking about the program, when you purchase an item that qualifies, send the receipt to us before you forget.  Donations to help continue the Fund can be sent to Treasurer, Tim Macy.

Thank you to everyone that has donated to this program.
Carl Wieman, 2016-2022 MSTA Dan Clark Safety Program Coordinator,    2022 Vanderhall Venice, 1986 Honda Gold Wing Interstate 
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Re: STAR...why?
« Reply #43 on: June 13, 2019, 11:29:19 am »
I do not see why STAR and the regional events have to be exactly the same.  STAR is a different event with a much bigger attendance and that attendance difference requires certain necessities such as a bigger hotel.  We cannot hold STAR at the Allegheny Inn (which is just a few miles from what I consider the really good roads). There's not a big enough hotel in the Breaks or at Smoke Hole Road or in Burke's Garden, either.   I find it unreasonable to expect that an event will be tailored to my precise tastes unless I planned the whole thing.  Even then compromises would have to be made. 

Bristol is a brilliant location in my view.  The hotel is not downtown, but on the outskirts.  Roads like VA 80, VA 16, VA 58 and dozens of others are within easy reach.  And since I'll be riding through southern Ohio and eastern Kentucky to get there, I have the bonus of a good ride to and from the event.  Back when I rode a bike with sportier ergonomics I hated even a brief stint on a straight road.  Now with standard ergos I still hate the interstate, but I can ride a short distance to get between the twisty bits with no fuss.  If the weather holds out, I'll have fun at STAR.  If it rains, maybe I'll go downtown.  ;-)

Yea and get to STAR on Saturday so you can participate in the Saturday MSTA Poker Walk. It will be fun!

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Re: STAR...why?
« Reply #44 on: June 13, 2019, 02:16:38 pm »
Yea and get to STAR on Saturday so you can participate in the Saturday MSTA Poker Walk. It will be fun!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I'll be there Friday night.
Ohio MSTA State Director
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