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Forum > Ozarks BS Rally

2019 Ozarks Bull Shoals Rally: Sep. 6-8


I see there's no official thread up for it yet, so I'll start it.

Event Details: [size=78%]http://www.ridemsta.com/Events/EventDetail.php?12[/size]

2019 Event Page: [size=78%]http://www.ozarksbsrally.com/updates_2019.htm[/size]

Re. lodging, The main hotel is full. Apple Creek Cabins (details in the Event Page) didn't want to let me reserve one this far ahead of time. So I got a cabin at the Biltmore resort. A cabin will sleep 6, so there are 5 beds left, if someone wants to drastically cut down on lodging costs. First 5 people to make a commitment, let me know. I have it reserved for the nights of Sep. 6, 7 and 8.

I'm riding down from the Chicago area. If folks want to join me for the ride down, that's always welcome, too. Safety in numbers, and whatnot. I figure Day 1 will be mostly boring expressways and highways, and stay in a motel or something part-way down. By Day 2, there will probably start to be some better options for back highways.

I'll cancel if it's supposed to be raining or tornadoing most of the time, or if it's supposed to be raining the whole weekend down there, but not for a shower here and there.

Myself or a moderator will update this first post as things develop.

Last week to order t-shirts for the BS Rally - must be ordered by Monday August 12th.



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