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Forum > STAR 2020

STAR 2020...date change!

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Why do we need the hotel registration information when we can't register until we have the rally registration?  Isn't this getting the cart before the horse?  Or have they already posted the rally registration somewhere and the rest of us just haven't found it? 

Rally Registration will be opening soon.  It’s usually around the 1st of the year, but will be a little earlier this year I believe.  We wait until we have the raffle bike information, so that it can be included in the registration information and so that members can purchase raffle tickets at the same time that they are registering for STAR.  We should have that completed information very very soon and the registration site is currently being completed with all of the event information.

Edit> Have the raffle bike info up now, but waiting on the STAR logo so that we can have the t-shirts and hats ready for ordering/purchase  on the registration site.

The nearest Missouri State Park that offers camping as an option is the Trail of Tears State Park. It's 12 miles from Cape G. and has campsites for a variety of equipment. As a basic tent camper, the nightly fee appears to be $13/night with a $2 discount for senior citizen. They take reservations 6 months in advance (not available yet), so I'll likely be making a reservation the first week of December (only 2 weeks away) for the days I'll be there in June of next year. Even if I don't get breakfast at the host hotel, I think I can live with that for $13/night. That's a killer deal. It'll also be a good chance to check out my gear before a longer camping trip later in the summer.

Does anyone know of a 1/2 day riverboat tour from Cape Giradeau?  I've looked and was only able to find multi-day tours that go to faraway locations.


--- Quote from: HawkGTRider on November 24, 2019, 04:42:59 pm ---FWIW
The nearest Missouri State Park that offers camping as an option is the Trail of Tears State Park. It's 12 miles from Cape G. and has campsites for a variety of equipment. As a basic tent camper, the nightly fee appears to be $13/night with a $2 discount for senior citizen. They take reservations 6 months in advance (not available yet), so I'll likely be making a reservation the first week of December (only 2 weeks away) for the days I'll be there in June of next year. Even if I don't get breakfast at the host hotel, I think I can live with that for $13/night. That's a killer deal. It'll also be a good chance to check out my gear before a longer camping trip later in the summer.

--- End quote ---

I made my reservation at the Trail of Tears State Park at the tent oriented Lake Boutin Campground (site 46). If we've got any other campers in the crowd, maybe we should try to get our sites close together.
If there are any RVers that might be giving some thought to staying at this SP, the Mississippi River Campground seems to cater more to the RV crowd, and is just a short distance away next to the river (still within the SP).


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