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Forum > Big Lynn Lodge Ride

Rooms available at the Big Lynn Lodge!!


There have been some cancellations at the Big Lynn Lodge so there are 4 rooms available! If you are in one of the overflow hotels here is your chance to get a room in the Big Lynn Lodge! Call (828) 765-4257 to reserve your room!

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I called up to the Big Lynn Lodge this morning 7/15/19 and there are still 4 rooms available. Apparently there have been more cancellations.
It’s kind of ironic in that I had recently received complaints that, “I can never get a room for this event”. Now I have four rooms and can’t fill them.
Call and get your room.

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Ok as of yesterday all the rooms are reserved, two of them are to vacationers not MSTA.
Also yesterday I learned that there is one room that is available. A member reserved it then decided to share a room with another member. He didn’t cancel this room because of the Big Lynn Lodges cancellation policy. So if you are still looking for a room at the Big Lynn Lodge contact Geoffery Green.


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Whoa... just today Wednesday 7/17 there were two cancellations at the Big Lynn Lodge. So you can still get a room. Call (828) 765-4257 to get your room.
See you there!

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