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Forum > MSTA Sanctioned Event Reports

2019 KY Red River Gorge Rally report

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Some stats....
54 attendees
11 states represented
8 non-MSTA members
$800.00 raised for the Dan Clark Safety Fund
Hundreds of smiles, laughs, and stores told
Thousands of miles of good roads ridden

The weather was mostly great, with cool mornings, hot afternoons under clear skies and low humidity, and nice evening breezes. 
The staff at the Ramada Inn did a great job of keeping the place clean, cooking a real breakfast, and meeting our every need. 

By Thursday evening we already had 13 people there, and those lucky souls had the roads and routes almost to themselves on Friday.  By Friday evening there was another 40+ people there and things got quite lively around the hotel.  The post ride pre-dinner cocktail hour on the back patio in the shade was very popular, as was the post-dinner tire kicking in both the front and rear lots.  During the day on Friday and Saturday, the attendees took advantage of the lack of traffic on the wonderful eastern Kentucky roads, along with the shade that the Daniel Boone National Forest and the high ridges provided, and put in quite a few miles of twisty road fun. Several members stopped at Miguel's Pizza and other small town eateries for lunch breaks, but we still gave Cattleman's Steak House quite a bit of evening business. As far as I know, nobody had any unplanned off-road excursions or were any performance awards handed out.  In fact, most people commented on the lack of the local yokels seen on either day.  The county mounties were probably all up on the highways watching out for all those flat land tourists coming down from the north, but we didn't see any!  I got lots of compliments on the routes, but it's really just a matter of having lots of good roads to use.  It is hard to find a bad road in that area, and really a matter of not making the routes too long. I will make a few tweaks to the current routes and look to add a "leisurely" route and a longer southern route for next year, but otherwise leave them pretty much alone.

There are lots of pictures posted up (and we can always use more!) on the MSTA website in the pictures area.  You can access it directly from....www.msta.smugmug.com

Save the dates of July 10-12 for next years rally.  The same place...Ramada Inn, Mt. Sterling Kentucky.  I will be reserving a bigger block of rooms for next year, but there will still be overflow next door at the Comfort Inn.

Thanks to everyone that attended...it was FUN!

I had a great time. The 4 parks route was very scenic, and I was happy that much of it was shady. Had fun hanging out with old friends and made a couple new ones. I've marked my calendar for next year.

Thank you, Pat!

Betty Lise and I had a great time! Thanks Pat for the work you put into making the event so successful. I too have the dates in my calendar and am looking forward to next year.

A BIG Thank You goes to everyone that helped raise the $800.00 for the Dan Clark Safety Program.  This will help fund this great program that promotes safety among the members of MSTA.

What are the dates for next year? Same weekend?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


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