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Forum > Ozarks BS Rally
2020 Coordinator Needed!
MSTA friends:
Jim Williams has informed the EC that he can no longer coordinate this event. We wish to thank him for having done such a good job over the last few years, but understand that time and distance make this a very difficult thing for him to continue to do. No worries, Jim.
NOW it's time for someone(s) else to step up and take over. The more people that are involved the less of a burden it is on any one person, so we hope that a group will volunteer. We know that there are several people that have been helping Jim (and before him the other coordinators), and will continue to do so, so it's not like one person has to do it all....but still it does take a person, or a team, to coordinate all of the efforts.
So we are looking for a new coordinator or team of coordinators willing to take this on. The Bull Shoals rally is one of our longest running rallies and one of our most popular rallies. The resort is already set aside rooms for the event and most of the processes have already been worked out. It would be a shame for this to fall by the wayside at this point. Please don't let this happen!
If you are interested in taking on this position, please let us know ASAP. You can contact the EC via
of call me...Pat Mogavero at 859-620-6352
Good News - I just got a call from Gary Hodge our great BS cook and he has agreed to take over the BS Rally this year. His number is 417-860-8669 but please call later afternoon or evening as he works nights but you can leave a message if he doesn't answer. I've agreed to help him with the paperwork and online registration(unless someone else wants to do it :) ) and am hoping to get Barb and Virginia to help again and will be talking with them and possibly others in the coming weeks. If anyone else would like to help even in a small way it would be greatly appreciated.
Fantastic news! Much thanks to all of you!
I'll be working on the 'communication and publicity' side with Denise. We're debating putting up a new website or resurrecting the old one from backup.
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