Main Forums > Welcome Mat

Newbie from OhiO..

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--- Quote from: Patmo on July 01, 2020, 07:27:23 pm ---Welcome!  Hope you can make it to the Red River Gorge Rally next weekend or to the Mail Pouch FlyBy Week in August.  Both are great fun events!

--- End quote ---

HI Pat
we had a chat at OH-Stoc this year..
I am registered for Red River, plan to be there.. dragging 2 others with me.. Maybe more, we'll see.
Still have to reg for fly=by.. planning on being there.
All my plans for this year got scrapped. so great opprtunity to join up with you guys!
Hope to see you there.

Doug....didn’t realize this was you.  Didn’t read down far enough LOL.  Looking forward to next week...see you there!

doug mcpeek:
Welcome Doug!
I suspect your signature will cause some confusion among people who know me.   :-*

Welcome also from OhiO.  I'm still sporting' an '02 ST1100 that motoring just fine thank you.Never did join the ST-owners. It was just waaaaay too much traffic back in the day. I've had an ST since the beginning in '91.
If you hadn't already joined then the Mail Pouch would have sealed the deal. See ya there. TM

Welcome from the Akron Ohio area, I'm the contact guy, assistant director, and chief cat herder here in Northern (mostly eastern) Ohio. Not sure we have a lot of riders in your area, most of us are clustered in the CLE-Akron-Canton corridor, or within 40-50 miles of there.

If you'd like some more info on what goes on in our area get in touch with me, email or call/text 330-338-5185.

I've got tomorrow off and plan to ride, mentioned it in passing to another member and they are going to join me. And a week from Saturday we have a picnic lunch ride planned by our state director Doug/Coach McPeek.

I'm definitely going to Mail Pouch need to register etc., maybe we'll see each other then. I'll be on a red 2014 VFR800, not many of those around, but I still love my 98VFR (now over 70K).


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