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Forum > Indiana
Sunday ride 11/8/20
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Hoosier MSTAer's Sunday looks like its going to be a perfect day for a ride. Who knows how many more we'll have this year. I'm thinking that we meet at Flap Jacks 2991 Fulmer Dr, Bargersville, IN 46106 (317) 458-0345 Sunday 11/8/20, Kick stands up at 10:30 AM This is a fair distance south but it's on 135 just south of Whiteland Rd. AND I have two solid thumbs up from a couple of our members. It can be a bit nippy early AM so why don't we plan to leave Flap Jacks at 10:30 AM. If you want to eat before hand get there around 9 - 9:30. I hear the place can be busy, so be warned.
Wait, warmth and sunshine in early November, yes that calls for a ride for sure. Glad to see my neighbors in the Hoosier state (my birthplace) are thinking like we are here in Ohio. We're riding Saturday though. Need to remember, early sunsets, cooler temps, forest critters (especially if hunting is going on).
It was in the 70's today in Owatonna, MN, but that will change with rain Monday and by Tuesday with a high of 38F and rain/snow mix. I did take out the VF500F Interceptor for a short ride today, being I have not ridden it more than 20 miles so far this year. We had very strong winds, some as high as 50 MPH gusts. It made it tough riding in the country.
This makes only the 2nd time that I have ridden in November, since 1972-74 while at Ft. Bliss, TX, where I rode all year long. We just don't have riding weather in MN in November very often. At least not the kind that I like.
I know of several people that ride all year long, but that is not safe with ice and snow. And, the road salt does wonders to the chrome and aluminium. When I worked at Mankato Honda, we had a guy that rode everyday, about 25 miles each way for his job. He traded almost every year, and those old air cooled 750 Honda's looked horrible with the salt damage to the engine and chrome.
I hope everyone else had a good riding day as we get to the end of the nice riding season.
Here in eastern TN, with a bit of dedication, we are able to ride nearly year around. We get a couple of light snows in a typical year (much more in the Appalachian Mountains 60 miles away). It's only during those frozen precipitation situations that the roads gets treated with salt brine and such (I wait a few days for that stuff to wash away after a snow). Winter low temps historically are around 30 and highs near 50. Summer highs historically range from lows around 70 to highs around 90. Overall, pretty decent and manageable.
If I draw a straight line north from Knoxville, TN, it's ~410 miles north to the Michigan state line (western tip of Lake Erie), ~410 miles south to the nearest point on the Gulf of Mexico on the Florida panhandle, ~410 miles east to Albemarle Sound on the coast of North Carolina (~100 miles less to the coast of South Carolina), and 410 miles west gets me to eastern Arkansas.
All of that said, I figure we're in about as "average" a place in the country as can be found being in pretty much the middle of the eastern half of the country. We joke about the weather here saying if you don't like it, wait 15 minutes. Not exactly that fast, but if you don't like the weather we're having, you're only a day away from something cooler, warmer, wetter, drier, etc.
Getting back to the thread topic, yeah, I rode Sunday. Low temps were around 50 with highs near 75...and sunny. Nice.
Here in the south western regions of Ohio it was a high of 81 on Sunday and in the 70's on Saturday. I got 3 bikes out for some riding and it was maaaaaaavelous! I even rode to work Sunday night (working graveyard shift right now) and the ride home in the morning was great. Unheard of. Sorry I didn't get to join the Hoosiers for their ride but I imagine it was a great turn out.
Edit: We had 3 new record high days in a row for those dates. Life is good, let's ride!
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