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Forum > North Carolina

Continued Education...


Ok so in an attempt to continue my education:

I just signed up for the Level 1 training with California Superbike School at VIR May 4, 2021. Using my own bike and the schools gear. I think it will be a blast and what a great way to continue to improve my riding skills. https://superbikeschool.com/

You should join us.

I did that course at Barber a few years back and had an absolute blast. But you're smart...May in Virginia will likely be better than June in mid-Alabama. I was cooked by the end of the day both from temperature and experience. By getting less cooked from the temperature, you'll enjoy the experience a lot more.


--- Quote from: HawkGTRider on December 23, 2020, 03:15:33 pm ---I did that course at Barber a few years back and had an absolute blast. But you're smart...May in Virginia will likely be better than June in mid-Alabama. I was cooked by the end of the day both from temperature and experience. By getting less cooked from the temperature, you'll enjoy the experience a lot more.

--- End quote ---
Yes we had the choice of early August or early May at VIR and we thought early May would be a smarter choice.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


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