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Forum > STAR 2021

STAR Registration is now OPEN!

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Larry Fine:
That's where we (the ST Owners forum) stayed last Oct, and will again Sep 29-Oct 3. We rent a few deluxe cottages, each with four bedrooms, two baths, full kitchen/great room.

Welcome Larry. There are a few of us ST guys still around in the MSTA. Mine keeps running, LOL.  TM

Welcome to the forum. My '97 ST11 has a bit over 100,000 now. Even with a garage full of a variety of bikes, it's the one that gets dragged out when I have big miles to cover.

Larry Fine:
The ST Owners forum group is having OH-STOC at the Shawnee State Park from June 10-13, so I could theoretically leave there and come to STAR on the way home and make a full week out of it.

However, I don't know if my body can withstand an entire week of riding every day. I could still stop in and visit and meet people. I do have a few questions I didn't see addressed on the event page:

1. Are daily rides arranged, or is this more of a meet-up and hang-out?

2. Is it okay to pay for and stay fewer nights, like Sunday and Monday?

3. Does everyone stay at the lodge, or will a group get a cabin or cottage?

Well, let me answer this the best I can.  1. Routes for the rides are available, you hook up with some one and go on your own pace. Lots of riding AND hanging out after. 2. Yes, not everyone can do everything. So ya do what ya can.. And 3. 300+ folks can not all stay in the cabins, there will be some staying in the lodge and the cabins.  TM


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