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Forum upgrade in progress

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Kudos, Kudos, Kudos. Thanks for all you do to keep us rollin', cause I sure as he)) can't.  TM

Extra Thanks to Bob from me. For years I’ve been using the app Tapatalk on my iPhone to get to the Forums that I participate in. The latest “upgrade” produced errors when I accessed the MSTA forum via Tapatalk. Bob spent hours making it work properly again!
Bob U da-Man!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Thanks riders! glad to be of service :trink39:

It bears saying again Bob, THANKS!
Your time and efforts are very much appreciated...

Back when I was wrestling with early version of the SMF it was a bear, hoping it's gotten easier with time and development...


--- Quote from: Woovis on February 04, 2021, 08:28:05 pm ---It bears saying again Bob, THANKS!
Your time and efforts are very much appreciated...

Back when I was wrestling with early version of the SMF it was a bear, hoping it's gotten easier with time and development...

--- End quote ---
As you know it is software written by geeks for geeks. They don't really have any concept of "user friendly" LOL But I have been a regular on the SMF support forum and those folks have been great, coaching me along the way out of several binds.


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