Author Topic: 2021 Roy's BBQ RTE - Hutchinson, KS - May 1  (Read 11749 times)

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Offline roginoz

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2021 Roy's BBQ RTE - Hutchinson, KS - May 1
« on: February 27, 2021, 11:26:58 pm »
13th (more or less) Annual Roy's BBQ RTE – May 1, 2021 – Hutchinson, KS

COVID-19 knocked us out of the running last year, so this year will be the 13th more or less annual Roy's BBQ RTE.  By May we ought to have a significant number of our population vaccinated and, with a bit of caution, we should be able to gather for some BBQ and pie.

This will be the thirteenth year for the Roy's BBQ RTE.  We'll gather at Roy's BBQ (1018 Nickerson Blvd., Hutchinson - also known as Fifth Avenue,) for lunch at 11:00 AM.  Most of us arrive closer to 10:30, to allow for tire kicking and BS prior to dining.  (And, it gets us to the head of the line...)  It's a bit early for those riding in the same day, but it lets us beat the crowd.  (Late comers get what the early birds didn't eat, and Roy's closes when the meat’s gone.)

After lunch we’ll head to the Carriage Crossing, in Yoder, for pie.  There’s a small reserved motorcycle parking area on the south side of the restaurant, and plenty of overflow parking adjacent.
The rider traveling the farthest gets a free lunch and pie, and will have his or her name engraved on the “Mixon Cup” (named for Chris Mixon, who took long distance honors the first year.) The Mixon Cup is displayed year-round at Roy’s.  Previous winners came from Arizona, California, Colorado, Illinois, Louisiana, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma, and Wisconsin.  There will also be cigars and beverages at my garage in Wichita after the ride, for those with a bit more time to spare.

Although our rate of infections is trending downward, we'll still need to exercise caution this May.  Please bring a mask, and wear it when you're not eating.
Roger Smith
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Re: 2021 Roy's BBQ RTE - Hutchinson, KS - May 1
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2021, 07:32:17 am »
I was sitting here reading your post and thinking...hmmm, that would be a very good breakout ride for the spring. I looked at my calendar to find that I am already scheduled for an MSF rider ed class that weekend. I look forward to representing Tennessee at RTE in another year.
Geoffrey Greene
MSTA Ride For Kids Coordinator (retired), MSTA Secretary (retired), TN-STAR (retired), Tri-STAR Coordinator (retired)
Difficult roads may lead to beautiful destinations.

Offline Patmo

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Re: 2021 Roy's BBQ RTE - Hutchinson, KS - May 1
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2021, 08:07:10 am »
I was thinking the same thing G, but then looked at the calendar and that the same weekend as the Pine Mountain Hillclimb in southern KY.
not all that wander are lost