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Forum > STAR 2021
Update on STAR rooms availability
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As of March 18th @ 4:30 there are 3 king bed rooms and 5 double queen rooms available. There are still 12 cabins of different sizes available. When these are gone there are no more. We will have filled them up. You can call the sales manger, Ryan directly if you have problems with the front desk. He said that if they do fill up completely, then he will have some other suggestions in the area. I’ve also put a list of places to stay and some other information about STAR planning on the MSTA website and Facebook group page.
Ryan’s # is 304-866-2213
Larry Fine:
--- Quote from: Patmo on March 18, 2021, 06:23:56 pm ---There are still 12 cabins of different sizes available.
--- End quote --- Attention: Anyone who would like to stay in a cabin or cottage (bathroom(s), full kitchen, bike right outside, trees, deer, fresh air), or even just discuss it, please contact me.
I am willing to become a "cabin master" for a group of two to four (singles or couples) of us. The cottages have four bedrooms (three twins, one queen) and two full baths.
Added: I have one interested so far!
It's nice to be able to walk 20 feet from your room to your bike. Plus, I'm bringing fixings for brownies, which is why I want a kitchen.
They have 2, 3, and 4 bedroom cabins and deluxe cabins available still. A few of each for a total of 12 still not reserved.
Larry, someone from Cincy area should be contacting you.
Larry Fine:
--- Quote from: Patmo on March 18, 2021, 08:05:52 pm ---Larry, someone from Cincy area should be contacting you.
--- End quote --- Someone did, via FB. Thank you!
I am tent camping for this event, however I can vouch for Larry's brownies if that is an enticement to sign up for his cabin. :D
John G.
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